Tuesday, December 28, 2010

~~Pic for the day~~

Seals relaxing at La Jolla beach in San Diego

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

~~Great Escape~~

I came to San Diego for christmas vacation and what a great time to be here! On Saturday morning I checked the weather news and there was a Blizzard(snow storm) predicted in NYC and as predicted it poured sacks of snow all over the city.

With flights,buses and train services cancelled most of the people are struck in the city. The timing was perfect as I had a great escape by two days.

I can says its a great sight to see the pictures from sunny San Diego :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

~~Dinner at Japanese Restaurant~~

It feels great when we were done with the exams! So yesterday night right after the exam was over we went to karoke danced and sang till we got tired and I came back home around four in the night.

Today one of our classmates arranged for dinner at Japanese restaurant. The restaurant was in downtown and when I reached there it was almost 8.It was a typical Japanese restaurant where had to take our shoe out before entering into the restaurant. We started with the appitizer and then went on BBQ which we had to do it ourselves.I tried making tofus,onions,cabbage corn and potato. I also had a rice mixed with a spicy sauce which was amazing. Finally we exchanged gifts for Christmas by a funny game called white elephant.

Will write a separate post about the gift I got later!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

~~Lunch with friend~~

Last few months were really busy that I had little time to catch with people in city.When Prabu on of school mates called me ,I said him to come over to college to meet me.So poor guy came all the from his place to meet me.

With lots of cuisines and road side shops around my college I asked him where he want to eat.Confused by options he said something like Indian. So I took him to the Eritrean restaurant just next to our building.I used to go this place when ever I have an urge to eat dosai, being a first timer he really enjoyed the lunch.

All said and done just one more exam to go and I m counting down :)

~~Lunch with friend~~

Last few months were really busy that I had little time to catch with people in city.When Prabu on of school mates called me ,I said him to come over to college to meet me.So poor guy came all the from his place to meet me.

With lots of cuisines and road side shops around my college I asked him where he want to eat.Confused by options he said something like Indian. So I took him to the Eritrean restaurant just next to our building.I used to go this place when ever I have an urge to eat dosai, being a first timer he really enjoyed the lunch.

All said and done just one more exam to go and I m counting down :)

Monday, December 20, 2010


Got this from one of my friends facebook status, seems to be situation song :)

(Vaaranam Aiyiram Surya style)

Hay sir im krishnan....

Nan ida solliye aganum....,

Question paper awwalavu kashtam!

Inga evanum ivvalavu kashtama oru....

Ivvalavu kashtatha paththiruka matanga.....

Nan ninaikiren intha vattiyum EXAM putukichi...






Sunday, December 19, 2010

~~dropping glove~~

I m still getting used to grip things wearing gloves, so most of the time I used take off the glove from one hand and then use it to take my wallet or mobile but in the sametime glove which is in the gloved hand slips away.More than three occasions it had happened while walking on the street and there is always somebody nice enough to pick it up and give it back to me.

So I was bragging about this to my classmate how nice people are. He replied "try dropping both the glove next time"

Saturday, December 18, 2010

~~In Heaven~~

Today morning when I woke I saw few messages from one of my classmate mentioning her laptop has some issues and was really worried about it.Since one of our exams is an online exams a laptop is necessary for that. I told not to worry and said to bring the laptop college to fix it.

So when I opened the laptop and the screen I didn't understand whats on the screen then i realized everything was in Spanish.I tried to open few applications but nothing was opening,it was affected by access denial malware.It took some 15 minutes to use my rusted computer knowledge and it back to work.

I gave it back to her and and said she is all set to take the exam on it. She was so happy and said "Sriram you will go to Heaven!". I asked " Why are killing me so soon?".
She said "No no not soon but eventually.Its where good people go". Then finally she got me packet of nachos from the vending for the help I did!

Friday, December 17, 2010

~~What I m up to~~

What else sincerely studying(!)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

~~Links I liked~~

1)Funny News:
I forwarded this mail to my Serb friend and said I m expecting something similar from him this winter.

2)American population:
This link came in ny times ,giving how densely US is populated and also based on the race.

3)View from hubble:
Everyday one new picture from hubble is added to Boston big picture.Some are really wonderful.

Really funny cartoon about wikileaks.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

~~Conference I attended~~

One of the hot news over the past few weeks were the release of classified documents by wiki leaks. This has rang alarm bells in many governments across the world. We even got a mail not to discuss this in public forums and our dean later clarified the schools position. Today our school arranged a conference regarding wiki leaks inviting the dean of law school,director of journalism,two foreign policy experts and a professor who have served in Iraq and Afganistan.

From laws point of view whatever the site has done can't be prosecuted in the court.From the media point of view there were few compromises on how few individuals names mentioned cable would cause trouble to them.Then there the governments point of view and need to declassify documents as 99% percent of them are more of business as usual.From a diplomatic side there are strains in relations between countries due to release of these cables.

From my point of view there should be more transparency in the way governments run ,there is no need for wikileaks!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~~What snow did to me ~~

Yesterday there was a mild snow fall and in the morning when I walked to the college the whole street was painted white. Walking in the snow can be tricky if we are not careful there are chances of tripping over. When I was just 50 meters I saw a person riding a cycle tripping over since its break were ineffective in the snow.I immediately went over lifted his him up then his cycle and made sure everything is fine. When I started walking towards my college I felt a pat on back ,there was a beautiful Latin American girl smiling at me and said "You are a perfect gentleman!".

Seems snow is for good :)

~~Question I liked~~

I was reading for my exams tonight, I came across this question which I liked!

According to a recent NY Times article, “Believe it or not, the stock market tends to do better or worse depending on where we are in the lunar cycle. That’s the conclusion of two studies that have circulated for a couple of years in academic circles but that, until an article in the November issue of the Harvard Business Review, received relatively little attention outside academia. … during the 15 days of the lunar month closest to the new moon — starting seven days before it and ending seven days after — the stock market’s average returns are much
higher than those of the other half of the month. [Researchers] cited extensive psychological and biological literature that has found that the lunar cycle can heavily influence our moods. A full moon, for example, increases our tendency to
feel depressed and pessimistic, so investors may be more inclined to stay out of 5
the stock market at or near that time.” Suppose you agree that the moon exerts
strong and mysterious impacts on human psychology. (Certainly, economic theory allows for this possibility.) Why would it be surprising to see stock prices behave in the way the article claims?

Edit: ( answer from my professor)
A hedge fund buy one week before the new moon and sell one week afterwards. This may explain why Professors Dichev and Janes find in “Lunar cycle effects in stock returns” that “In spite of the large difference in returns, the t-statistics for both return specifications are insignificant (0.96 and 1.16). The main reason for this lack of statistical significance is the large standard deviation of daily returns, about 1 percent, which swamps in magnitude the difference in returns.” Thus, at least as far as economics is concerned, people may feel gloomy around the full moon and suicide rates may rise – but we should not see an effect on stock returns, since profit-maximizing traders will undo any observable pattern.

Monday, December 13, 2010

~~class today~~

Another class I liked this semester was Development Economics, each week one topic would be taken into discussion . There will be argument and counter arguments finally professor will give his own convincing theory.For example education improves growth or not,FDIs help economy grow,technology boosts country's progress.

In the final minutes of our last class ,our professor asked a question which is the most important factor for country's growth. We were saying lots of things from good governence to education to liberalization. After listening to all this he said the main factor is "YOU" and he ended with this quote from world bank.

"There is no universal blueprint for reform. But almost all successful reform episodes in developing countries have had one common feature: they have been crafted by dynamic leaders who shepherded changes through complicated political terrain."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

~~Walk to the river~~

Its been a while I had a walk near the river side mainly because of the wind. Today I got locked up in house because it was raining from the morning. Around 4 there was some respite,one of my friend said lets walk to the river.So I got dressed up and walked to the river.

The weather was warm and I didn't take the 3 mile walk along the path as the skies were about to break anytime.Saw in one of the benches whiled away sometime and came back home. These were the places which will be crowded with people during summer but were looking gloomy these days.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

~~Christmas in NYC~~

This weekend started started as usual,I waited for my cook to deliver food .Once I had delicious lunch I thought its long time I opened my books and since exams are round the corner I thought let me check whether I have books and notes in place.After sometime when when I got all the books in place and I was all set to start, Diana called and said Ganesh and she are on the way to NYC. Since there is always another time to study I closed my book got ready to meet them.

After 15 minutes of playing hide and seek in Penn station I finally found D & G waiting near knicks stadium.Then we walked to Macys,the whole store was painted
in red and white.We roamed through all the 9 levels seeing each level jam packed with people.Then from there we walked to 59th street to Columbus circle market.Ganesh saw a cap woren by a person similar to one below and wanted the same but he couldn't find the exact match.

At Columbus circle market there were lots of petty shops selling lots of knick knacks,after browsing sometime we went for dinner. After having wonderful pizza and roasted egg plant we walked through 5th avenue taking pictures and looking at the christmas decorations.Then finally reached Rockefeller center,oh man it was really crowded brining me memories of Ranganathan street. We fighted our way through the crowd to reach near the awesome christmas tree.It took sometime to take pictures right. As D & G were going for a musical at radio city I said good bye to them and came back home.

Friday, December 10, 2010

~~Movies I saw~~

Being Friday night and cold outside only good thing one can do is watch movie. My room mate got I Vitelloni an Italian movie from NYPL . It was movie taken in 1953 revolves around 5 jobless guys in a small town in Italy and how they mess up things and troubles they face.

The whole film was funny and a good time pass. A good start for the weekend.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

~~What a good Professor can do~~

There are few professors who can change the perceptions you have about the subject,Professor Jehle is one among them. Microeconomics was usually my least favourite and the more time I used to spend on it the more confusing it becomes.

This semester when professor took the course I really enjoyed the classes.He never uses the book or encourage to read from it though he has written a book.He teaches things practically and the intution we get would be wonderful.Another thing I like about him is he remembers all the names of the students in the class and gets the answers from us to derive the equation or the model.His assignments would be interesting created by him where we would be finding our names in the problems for eg."Sriram is owning a company he has to maximize profit..." Yesterday was our final day of our class with him and we decided to have lunch with him to end the course on a high note.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

~~Opera show I went~~

Manhattan school of music, which is around 2 blocks from my place is an arts school for future musicians theater artists.They conduct shows similar to broadway shows which will be performed by students.good to see budding artists performing live with the ticket prices will be fair enough. But since I have most of the classes on evenings I never had time to go to any this.

So this evening when one of our class got cancelled I checked their website and there was a Opera tonight.So while walking back home I collected my tickets had an early dinner and left for the Opera. "Summer and Smoke" is a romantic story setup up in the 1911. Being to broadway show before I knew what to expect but I had a pleasant surprise.There was digital board on top of the stage which published subtitles of what people singing in high decibles.I could understand the play better and get involved with it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Q: Why did God create economists?

A: In order to make weather forecasters look good.

PS:as predicted yesterday there was no flurry today :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

~~Its Snowing :)~~

When mercury it zero yesterday we were expecting to snow sooner or later,by the time I walked to my college in morning minute dust of snow flurries started pouring,it was exciting thing to watch.But it lasted less than an hour as it became sunny in the noon.

This is the weather above in NYC in C.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

~~100m race~~

Few of my class mates planned to run a 100 meter race in the park near our campus.There is a guy from Gambia in my class who used to be a sprinter during his school days, so people planned to run in a race just for the pride of running along with a sprinter.I as usual said I will be cheering the runners.

Today afternoon when the mercury officially hit 0 C we gathered in the park.So after few warm ups we started the first race with three people, the race was one sided as the guy Gambia flew like a lightening leaving others nothing to compete.So to make people not get disappointed I said I will run and asked Gambian guy to time. I came last before as the girl was tired since she ran just before. But running in winter is a good idea makes the body warm and fresh.

~~Movie night~~

Winters can be depressing when roaming around is not a good thing to do but staying inside the pigeon hole makes it even worse.So this weekend since I didnt want stay up in room I took a walk to the grocery store and got stuff,by evening went to college and sincerely studied. By night I came back to my room hating the thought of lazily killing the time. I met my room mate at door step he asked me want to come for Harry Potter movie for which I instantly said yes.

So took subway to a theater near Lincoln center for 11 o clock show.Having read all the books harry potter series are something going for a decade starting late 90's till 2011 for the final film,though its not good as the book it was a good time pass for Saturday night.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

~~milk mistake~~

Yesterday evening after partying I stopped in a nearby shop on my way back home to grab a packet of milk.Today morning when I woke and made my tea I realised there is something wrong in taste as the tea was thicker and more sweet. Then I looked at the packet of the milk it was not a normal milk but it was Egg nog milk used for Christmas.
I dont know how to finish that one ,definitely I m not going to make tea using that again. Any ideas ?

Friday, December 3, 2010

~~Christmas party~~

Just coming back home from Christmas party,it was a wonderful break from the busy schedule we had.I wore the new hat and scarf which I got last week and it was a instant hit as many people gave wonderful feedback about it.
I forgot to take my camera for this event and I m waiting for my classmates to load few pictures!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last week after having heavy dinner for Thanks Giving, we settled at one of our friends place in Atlanta. Since next day was black Friday mamis friend suggested that we will go shopping at 4am so that they can get things very cheap.Since that was my bed time and being a good boy sleeping on time I said I will sleep. There were booklets which I browsed and circled few stuffs which I liked and I went to bed to sleep.

I woke in the morning around 10 and these guys didnt come back home yet.Finally they came back home with car full of stuffs.The above were the first installment of things which were bought on that day.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

~~Windy and Rainy~~

Today morning when I got it was pouring outside so I went back to sleep again and woke up an hour later.Lazily I got up and got ready for the college. I bundled up nicely and took my umbrella to face the rain.But as soon as I got out side I felt the impact of wind which seemed to carry me away,the golf umbrella I got was no use for this wind and it got bent and taking me accross the direction of the wind.Nevertheless when I reached college I got drenched completely and with the messy weather it took hours to get my self dried.

It was not only me who broke the umbrella few of my classmates had a similar experience and even my room mate's one got broken but he was happy that he got one with warranty!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~~Visit to Coke Museum~~

Though we were not keen on going out on a gloomy day,mama pushed us out and took us to the coke factory so that later we wont say that he didn't take us anywhere in Atlanta.Kids who have been to that place many times dropped out, so it was me Raj and mama who went to coke museum.Atlanta downtown was deserted as mama zipped his car through the streets,cant imagine something like that in NYC.

There was a long queue in front for the building and it 30 mintues to get it.We went in took few pictures drank different varieties of coke and finally watched a 4D movie. Though the place is not worth the money its just to add in the list been there done that.

Monday, November 29, 2010

~~Yummy Vadais~~

When we were in Atlanta we went to Cherians a big Indian super market, when we came to the fresh vegetable section my mami asked me tell me what do like the most I will make it for you. I looked around the shop saw the usual veggies which are available in NYC then something pink and unique caught my eye and I said I need vazhaipoo vadai.Though Mami havent tried that before,inorder not to disappoint me told me that she would call India learn the recipe and make it for me.

So today morning after cleaning up the vazhai poo mami made delicious and hot vadais I lost count on how many I ate,she even packed more than a dozen which I brought back to NYC.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

~~Careful with teens~~

There are somethings which we really need to take care, messing up with teens is one among them. Even a small sarcastic comment would lead wild reactions which one could never imagine.And since these people are more connected with the social network the news gets broadcasted all over the world.

So when my friend Raj made fun of a teenage girl he never knew he has invited trouble for the whole weekend.He had to watch his steps wherever he went. Given below are few status messages from her facebook

i just pulled the BEST prank everrrrr. to bad it didnt go the way i planned. hahaha

okay. so this guy was being really mean. so when he was taking a shower i took all his clothes and hid them(:hahahahaha it was sooo amazingly planned. BUT THEN. i took the wrong clothes. alkdfaliewfj.

hahahaha it would have been amazinggggg. i unlocked his door went inside took the clothes that were next to the door inside the bathroom, but it was like the wrong one bc he took clothes into the shower or something uurhghghhg. it would have been a classicccccc:(

Its left to your imagination what would have happened! I m not sure whether Raj will come with me for the next vacation :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

~~early to airport~~

Before leaving to Charlotte for the Thanksgiving break people are over US threatened to mean to leave early to the airport exaggerating long queues, traffic jams etc.Being a sincere a student(!) I never bunk classes and leaving airport early means I have to miss a class. Though I was not keen on missing the class I wanted my relatives to be in peace.So I took the hard decision of bunking the class and leaving to airport early. If it was for bunking this class I would have left a day before.

So never before in the history of my life I started to airport just 5 miles away 4 hours before. When we early everything happens accordingly as soon as I reached the bus stop there was a bus waiting for me I thought I will catch the next bus but the driver waited for me to board the bus. I have reached airport more quickly than ever as the streets were empty and to more annoying fact the airport was deserted and there was very few people flying out at that time even the flight I took had seats empty at the back as out pilot requested few people to move to the back row to balance the weight.

I thought its only me who was under going the pain to wait for the flight when I saw tweet from one of my favourite blogger "JFK Delta terminal deserted. No lines. No pornoscanner. And I came 2.5 hrs early. How anticlimactic."

going early to airport its a bad idea you always miss the thrill and fun :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

~~News from Bihar~~

Its wonderful news coming from Bihar to see that the people have elected the incumbent Nitish Kumar government with stunning absolute majority when I last saw it around 206/243 seats. This means lots to the state and as a country as a whole.Something which can change the way politics is run in the country.

For a state which was riddled with casteism, underdevelopment law and order issues,people were moving out of the state for jobs and other means of life.It was a state surviving on remittances. When development happens in one state and another state is left back it is cause of concern for the country as a whole. So when Nitish Kumar got into power years ago he didn't bring lot of industries to his state which creates jobs, he started with the basic development, building roads and restoring law and order.Another main thing he did was empowering woman as it had a tremendous impact on the woman voters who in previous occasions justed voted what their husband said. Nitish Kumar is not strong orator like Laloo but people prefer task master than a stand up comedian.

For India it sends strong message to all the politicians people will elect you back if you do the job right. Gujarat and Delhi have elected their imcumbent CM's but winning from an underdeveloped state like Bihar means a lot.In the past anti imcumbancy played a major role in Indian politics and politicians considered it as a burden and after losing elections they used give a statement people needed a change but never introspecting why they needed a change.May be the results from Bihar will clearly tell them what they need to do.

Hats off to Nitish Kumar!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

~~in the lecture~~

Sometimes listening to long lectures needs a lot of patience but if we go as a group it can be informative as well as entertaining.

My friend got bored during the lecture today and drew each one our pictures and passed on it. Then asked to draw his picture while I drew the monkey one and another drew a better one. It was difficult not to laugh when a serious lecture was going on.

Monday, November 22, 2010

~~Wake up calls~~

I was in a deep sleep when my morning alarm(mobile phone) rang I opened my eyes and it was little dark.I soon realised its not an alarm but a call from my cousin from India

cousin: Sri are you sleeping ?
me: Do you expect me to play cricket at mid night?
cousin: you only said there is just 1:30 hr time difference,so you sleep till 9?
Me: what its 6:00 am here you shd subract 1:30 hrs backward not add forward
cousin:ok sorry ,I need some advise regarding the elective I need to choose
(haiyoo haiyoo)
me:See I will call you back ,now I m going back to sleep!

I bundled up back to bed ,again when I was back to my dreams, phone rang tried to snooze it but it was my uncle

uncle:Sri are you sleeping?
Me: Already had a wake up call
uncle:just wanted to make sure you got up early and went to class on time!
me: evening 6 o clock class ku why should I get up at 7 am
uncle:thanks giving day airport will be crowded go early to the airport.
me:dont worry I will goto to the airport a day before and sit there!

After the call I tried to sleep again but within few mintues my actual alarm rang and with sun shining bright it was the only motivation to get up that time.

And the whole day was as if I had a hangover!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

~~Links I liked~~

1)Update on online shopping:
As a strong advocate of online shopping ,its good that more shops preferring to give their Thanks giving deals first online!

2)Nat Geo pics:
I m always a fan of national geography's picture of the year contest.This year contestants in the link

3)Raja in NYtimes:
Waiting for the time when our politicians make headlines for right reasons.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

~~Movie I liked~~

There are few movies which are really good that you can watch it again and again.I would put Bucket list in that category in fact most of the movies Morgan Freeman movies.Yesterday when it was shown in cable I decided to watch it.

It was well scripted movie with a person who has devoted his entire life for his family and other being a successful businessman spending the last few months of their life together doing things they wanted to do.

one of favourite scene from the movie ,when souls reach heaven God will ask two question
1)Have you found joy in your life ?
2)Has your life brought joy to others ?

Even we can think about it now before its too late!

Friday, November 19, 2010

~~Festival time~~

With Christmas round the corner its wonderful to walk in the streets of NYC with all shops coming up with their own creative decoration,lots of shops offering sales discounts no wonder the city is geared up with the festival mood in full swing.

Above are few pictures I took yesterday when we walked just six streets from the restaurant.So inspite of my busy schedule I m trying to take a break and go back to downtown!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

~~Dinner at Chinese restaurant~~

This week group of our class decided to go to a Chinese restaurant, since there was a assignment due next day many people dropped. But since there was more than 20 hours left to finish the same I took the come what may option.

It was a restaurant located in mid town. Since we had a Chinese girl in our gang we left her to decide all the menu. Having a native speaker in the makes things a lot easy and we get things right and customized. We stated with cold appetizer made of tofu and mushroom.Then went on have soup dumplings.I also had rice cakes cut into gravy of vegetables and then spicy tofu with rice. Finally we ended with a dessert named Almond bean curd. Its also made of tofu mixed with almond and really tasted good. Eating with a gang of people from different countries is always fun. A girl from Argentina commented now I know the reason why her country is exporting lots of soyas to China.One of the girl told me that she thought idly was a dessert which has to be had at the end of the meal.

After that I suggested lets take a walk to Rockefeller center, but taking a gang of girls via fashion street was a bad idea. They stopped almost at almost all shops windows looking at the costumes worn by dolls, thank god most of the shops were closed else it would have been a night out.That's why I prefer online shopping! Anyways it was a great evening.

PS:I finished my assignment before my normal bed time :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

~~Links I liked~~

1)21 st Century kids
This what happens to kids these days many enjoy being at home with lots of things to do.

2)Comedy of errors
Its a funny video between Uz'tan and Qatar, this video got the most hits in the day! what a way to attract the world cup bid!

3)A new shooping experience
A online shopping portal going to opened by google,looks pretty quicker than most of the sites.

4)is it for me ?
A website launched recently by B school students and beacuse of my busy schedule I didnt sign up yet.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~~Parliament proceedings~~

Last few days when I read the Indian news sites its filled with the 2G telecom spectrum allocation mess happened during the 2007. I liked the tweet from Chetan Bhagat "Heard abt the new Tamil film? It's called 'the 2G network: You can't make 500bn rupees without a few enemies."

We know that the politicians lack the accountability its funny to see minister resigning as if he is an martyr. It would have better much better if the opposition nailed him in the parliament asking him why he has taken such and such desision than blocking the proceedings of the parliament everyday demanding his resignation.

When it comes to nailing down the politicians in parliament UK is at its best.What ever desision one takes should be justified in the house you can't run scout free like the telecom minister did. I have attached below a video from UK parliament when David Cameroon(present PM) cornering the then PM Gordon Brown.

If you have time you can watch another famous debate between these two . Waiting for a day something similar to happen in India :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

~~Video link~~

With US and China at logger heads on the currency issue it has become a cock tail conversation these days on discussing who is right and who is wrong.China with more population has a right to defend its own people than compared to half of that in US.
Here is a funny rap video about the crisis.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

~~Keeping up time~~

I always have a good habit of going late to any class because it makes life more simpler. Yesterday we had an Indian cultural event happening in our university. As usual I was not so much keen to go but things changed when one of my classmates told she's interested to come. Yea going to an cultural event alone is useless but taking a Latin American girl along with you is priceless. So we decided that we will we meet that evening and goto that event together.

The event was at 7 as usual I decided to go there around 7 30.I met my friend at the campus and went on to walk to the hall. To our disappointment there were two security guards standing outside the hall stopping us from getting in telling that the hall was filled to the capacity.Since I had didn't have a plan B we went back to our library and as a good college kids finished our assignments!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

~~A lovely day~~

There are few places in New York city that I have kept in mind to visit only with a reason. Central park is one such places.

Yesterday evening I talked with one of school mate who was living in jersey city with her husband and was soon moving to west coast. So we decided to meet of brunch at early morning 11 o clock. I told her to give a wake up call so that I can make it.At 10 today I got a wake up call and hurried up and finally reached the place around 12 o clock. The place was peach tree tavern.

One of our common friend also joined us. After a delicious brunch stuffed with artichoke and mushroom stuffed toast. After lunch my friend and her hubby decided to goto an opera which i had no interest. The weather was perfect with temperature around 15 C and sun shining bright. I asked my other friend whats her plan and unanimously we decided to goto central park. Yea its one place I have kept in my mind not to visit alone.

Fall is the best time to visit central park with each tree with different colors and the park is so huge you and lots of thing to do and in short its like the heart of Manhattan.We walked through the narrow criss cross lanes inside the park looking at stuffs various people were up to.There were few marriages happening at the park,few kids celebrating their birthday,tourist giving their legs a break.

There was an Afro American street artist show going on which was really really funny mocking all the people across the world.They randomly picked people from the crowd and did tricks and stuffs. They called an a small kid and then asked people in crowd to give a quarter and a 10$ bill.Then they said they are going teach the kid how to use money.They asked the kid do want this dirty paper or the silver coin and naturally the kid chose the coin.

After a 2 hour walk in the park we decided to give it break as it was getting darker and as I had another appointment with my classmate I decided to leave. I know central park was beautiful but I came to know its more than that.

Friday, November 12, 2010

~~Innovative Ad I liked~~

In an competitive market creativity in advertisements plays an important role in capturing the market share. Find below how Bingo did it

Thursday, November 11, 2010

~~Movie I watched~~

New York public library has decent collections of foreign movies. Though I m little lazy to go and get stuffs my room mate is a regular visitor. He got a German movie named "Lives of others" today ,this was a Oscar winning movie in foreign category in the year 2007.

The story is based on East Germany in the year 1984 when it was still under the socialist regime with censorship fully in place and suspicious people will be tapped upon. The plot revolves around a revolutionary writer and a spy who has the duty to keep survillance on him.The more the spy gets to know of the writer more interested he becomes which might cost him his job. Good movie to start my weekend!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

~~Reading Worldnews~~

I always have a habit of spending sometime on reading whats happening around the world. In my school and college days these were just helping me to attend few quiz competitions .Now coming to the university, these small stuffs helps me a lot in conversation starters.

News like a big coal IPO in Mongolia having a positive impact in Hong Kong stock market or a google map mistake causing a border issue between Costa Rica and Nicaragua or Hurricane Richard causing damages in Belize gives a chance to talk about those stuffs to the people of the respective countries.The insight what I get from them is 100% more than what is told in the newspapers and also any people would be proud and happy to talk about their country. Sometimes they will be surprised how come I know about it.

So last few days was my time to brag about, Obama visiting India is a hot topic in discussion and there were lots of people in my class asking me the significance of his visit. I used to tell people on how strategic his visit is and and assurance of permanent seat for India is a major policy shift from US perspective.

Thats why there were lots of stuffs about Obama in my blog and facebook!

~~Obama's Speech in Parliament~~

Obama's Speech in Parliament

Apart from few mispronunciations of Indian names it was a highly motivational speech!

Thomas Friedman article in NY times

Monday, November 8, 2010

~~Links I liked~~

1) Obama's visit to India:
One of friend asked me whats in for India and why media is creating such a hype for Obama's Indian visit, I said to him apart from the $10 billion bilateral trade and unconditional support we got for NSG we need US support for UNSC. Support from US for permanent seat in UNSC is really an important,with UK France Russia already committed to support we still need to convince China.

2)Technological Change:
Sometime you never know how much technological change is going to have an impact on our day to day life. This is an article written during 1995 mocking the use selling airline tickets by internet.

3)Patimandram video:
This tamil video was filled over my facebook wall today, guy speaks sarcastically on the things sacrified by younger generation of today. Though I dont agree with him beacuse I strongly beleive its upto ones hand to decide life's destiny.

4)50 reasons to live in NYC:
Any links mentioning about how great it is to live in NYC will always be double liked by me :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

~~Unfinished Agenda~~

After listening to the two day conference these were some of things which were reforms still need to be done. Its said that the we have already picked low lying fruits and we need to go to the next level so all these reforms will take its own time but will surely pass through.

1)Infrastructure : Ajay Panda one of the young MP's of India pointed out there is just only one difference between India and China its not about being democratic or communist its just the infrastructure gap between two countries.Though there is a tremendous improvement in airport facilities and telecom lots need to be done in power,roads and urban infrastructure.

Though there are millions of students graduating out of college every year only 50% of them are fit to be employable in firms. Primary education should be improved dropouts should be reduced.Kapil Sibal our current education minister is working hard to get this passed in current tenure of UPA.

3)Health care:
40% of children born in India are malnourished,public health care system should be developed. Tamil Nadu was termed as a state having good health care facilities bringing child mortality rate almost to zero.

The problem in Indian agriculture is exogenous(outside the system), lots of trade restrictions which makes farmers not getting the right price for their crops.More than that subsidies kill the system, instead of those just few hours of
uninterupted power supply will do good to them

5)Administrative reforms:
Indian judicial system and police system needs to be reformed. For reforming the police system the bill has been placed in parliament but never know when it will be passed.

6) Fiscal deficit:
Every year governments spending is been increasing more than its revenue. Cost cutting measures should be taken before its too late.Bold measures needs to done in reducing military spending.

7)Labor law:
One of the most controversial bill which needs to be passed. No one had confidence it will come through in the coming decade.

8)Water Management:
This is going to be a main issue in this century. Technological measures needed to overcome this problem.

All these things are easy said than done!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


The last two days were really the most memorable one meeting few of the top economists from India at one place. It was a two day conference about the economic reforms and policies the country need to do and the challenges in implementing the same. It was great to listen to talks from Shankar Archarya, Jagdish Bhagwati, Y V Reddy, T. N. Srinivasan and a lots of other prominant people.

Friday, November 5, 2010

~~Dinner at korean Town~~

On Thursday evening one of my Korean classmate told she will take us to Korean town for dinner. After our classes got over we took the subway to downtown. Travelling in a subway with a gang was similar to that of when I used travel in bus with my friends to college(undergrad). We were talking and laughing not bothered about the stares and scrons other people gave.

Finally when we reached the place it was a great relief for the people in the compartment. When we came out of the subway it was raining.For the girls who came with us their small handbag umbrella never helped them to save from rain and it was the first time my wonderful golf umbrella proved its worth. It took a wonderful 10 minute walk in the drizle to reach Korean town.

When I read the menu the first thing caught my eye was chicken a******. After that I never had guts to read further and told Hyung to order what will be good for me. He got me rice rolls and kimchi. Then I also had kimchi pancake and noodles.It was spicy and tasty but funny thing was there wasn't any dessert available so we went to Cafe lola (a place famous from the movie - you have got a mail) and ended our night with an icecream.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

~~Winter Time~~

Being my first winter in NYC I have been getting threats from people from all corner of the world describing how horrible its going to be.Though they try to get me depressed I am keeping them up with a smiling face.Yea winter is depressing not because of the weather but I feel all girls in NYC have grown fatter.More like the April May of India(feel like singing that song)

Yesterday night when I was catching the train back to NYC we were wait at the platform for the train to come,it was cold with the mercury going below 5 C. I had three layers of clothing to overcome the weather.It was a relief when the train came and it was warm inside, when I reached New York the sultry sub way system made me sweat with all the clothing on. I took the train walked all the home ,when I reached the room I was drenched.I was wondering how come NYC is so hot when I was shivering at a place 100 miles south. My room mate brought me back to senses when he asked me whether the centralised heating system works in my room!

~~Movies I watched~~

It was day today in USA and what I got was a four day vacation from my normal schedule. It was the final day of the vacation and ended up in style by seeing a movie. Myself and Ganesh decided to go for social network today to kill time on a lazy afternoon.We thought no one else will be in the theater but there were quite a number of students came to see the movie.

Movie was well taken in a non linear fashion. Apart from the controvorvies involing how ethical was the facebook founded ,it was more about the passion and liking to do what one likes even if it means discontinuing from Harvard.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

~~Movies I watched~~

This weekend came to Diana Ganesh's house for the weekend after finishing the mid terms. Finally I had time to see a movie inspite of my busy schedule. We watched Boss aka Baskaran and laughed all the way throughout the movie. After a long time I saw a tamil movie which was funny from begining to end. Good start for the weekend

Friday, October 29, 2010

~~Dressing up for an event~~

Everyday when I goto college I just pick a t shirt on the top and wear the usual jean. So when a consulting firm called up for an informal interview I thought of dressing up formally. It took some fifteen minutes to get ready and goto college. When I reached college reaction was more than what I expected ,I lost lost count how many people turned their heads to look at me and there comments like "You are smart","You are looking handsome" etc.

After finishing my exams one of my classmates asked me "you have dressed up for the occasion, want to come to a place with me".When a girl asks me out how can I say no.It was for a networking event in a top equity research firm.One good thing about these events are we can get free food and drinks but main thing is to talk with people and see whether we like their job.Usually since my classes are at evening I never had time to attend such a kind of events but yesterday was different.

Once there I started talking with a director of one of the divisions ,she was in charge of the agriculture division and telling how she is everyday like from reading everyday news, weather accross and farm production and see how stock prices rise in those commodities.It was interesting to listen to their experiences. But only thing which we need to commit working there is to put 70 hours per week.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Joke about Economists I came accross

A mathematician, an accountant and an economist apply for the same job.

The interviewer calls in the mathematician and asks "What do two plus two equal?" The mathematician replies "Four." The interviewer asks "Four, exactly?" The mathematician looks at the interviewer incredulously and says "Yes, four, exactly."

Then the interviewer calls in the accountant and asks the same question "What do two plus two equal?" The accountant says "On average, four - give or take ten percent, but on average, four."

Then the interviewer calls in the economist and poses the same question "What do two plus two equal?" The economist gets up, locks the door, closes the shade, sits down next to the interviewer and says, "What do you want it to equal"?

Monday, October 25, 2010

~~Reading Economist~~

I always think I should read Economist magazine and have a link for it in my favourites too but never had the inclination to go into the site. Most of the time I am contented reading New York Times as it updates news more frequently than any other news site.

In today's exam a brief from this article was given and we were asked to comment on what China should do. (a 30 mark question)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

~~Trip to Jackson Heights~~

Finally I was able to finish off 4 pound(1.89kg) rice packet which Ganesh bought for me during end of June. So when my room mate asked me whether I am interested to goto Jackson heights with him ,I agreed to go with him to refill stuffs and also to have good lunch at an restaurant.

As usual we got up late and by the time we reached for lunch it was almost 3.We stopped at a south Indian restaurant and I had Idly, vadai and dosa(choice of the restaurant was my room mates not mine as he wanted to eat dosa). Jackson heights is in queens and its yet another place in NYC where you will feel home.The streets will be filled with Indian people and hawkers calling us to get stuffs,cars honking the alley while they pass through the crowded street.

Then we went to the Indian grocery store there were lots of ready made stuffs available but I was never interested to pick anything as it required atleast 5 minutes of cooking.So I just picked up a ponni rice packet and 2 mintue noodles packet back home. I think this rice packet will come all the winter!

Friday, October 22, 2010

~~Exam today~~

Our mid term exams began in middle of this week and will go until mid of next week. Can you guess what is that sheet below? yupp its the bit paper I carried to the exam hall. Our professor knowing that how our performance will be, allowed us to carry a cheat sheet where we can write anything and take to the exam hall. So normally I used to spend 2 hours before the exam brushing up things but today I took care I write stuffs in that time.I wrote on the back page too!

Exam started well as everything from the bit was transferred to the main paper.As usual there was one question that I forgot to copy in that bit and didn't know what was asked,again our kind professor came to rescue told that we can skip one question and I gladly skipped that:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I m not a fan of going to Gym to burn calories ! I always believe exercise should be part of your life like walking or swimming not go a place and strain yourself.

Here is a study

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

~~I'm Studying sincerely~~

Many of my friends and relatives who are reading my blog are never believing I'm studying. So I thought its high time I add a proof . Look below this is one of the methods I used to study!

Its called "Method of studying using the principles of gravity"

Monday, October 18, 2010

~~Meeting my friend~~

I met my friend,Rebecca who is working as a HR in my former company for lunch.She had come with her husband to visit her sister who is working in NYC.

Flashback: year was 2009,when I was working hard for my company! I used to get up at 5 30 am,YEA 5:30AM! only when I get up that time I can get ready in time to catch my bus at 6 30. If one misses it then we have to use public transport or a late bus which will reach office only by noon and he/she will be roasted by then. So catching the bus in the morning was a crucial factor in my day to day life. I used to catch the bus at Secretariet colony and Rebecca used to catch at Mummy daddy,the next stop.So when I get in the bus I used to alert her sending a message about the arrival of bus. If I miss the bus she used to stop the bus for me or if she is late I make sure that bus never leaves mummy daddy without picking her.

Apart from this usual ritual we used to chat a lots of stuffs from books,food,movies and the one I like the most are her day to day HR issues which she deals with the unmanageable IT crowd.Those conversations would be the perfect start for the day.One thing I miss after coming to US are those morning bus journies :)

Most importantly when I told her I m going to US she advised me to have a makeover which resulted in taking my moushtache off which got me a positive feedback from many people.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

~~Awesome dinner~~

Nithin's(my friend) parents were in the city today.They were staying at one of their relatives place. I asked what was their plan and they said they are going to Empire State building and liberty statue.Since I have seen both of it,I thought it was better to meet them for dinner. I reached their place around 8. After talking for a while we went to have dinner. It was really a special dinner with vathakuzhambu,rasam,cauliflower fry and beans parupu usili. After having that dinner I from east end of Manhattan to west end to catch the train and come back home.

I really liked the review of this tamil movie

Saturday, October 16, 2010

~~Links I liked~~

Every weekend New York metro will do some maintenance work and stop few train services and alter others. We will come to know reading a poster pasted in the station. this is one funny picture mocking their service

I liked this link also which takes us to any place in world we want. try it and tell me where you got teleported!

Friday, October 15, 2010

~~My classmates~~

Today we had an information session along with pizza , finished with a group photo to end the meeting

Thursday, October 14, 2010

~~Spicy stuff for dinner~~

Since I usually have good home made dinner I never had the need to buy any fast food stuffs or ready to eat stuffs from the shop. Yesterday while coming from school Hyung and me went to a department store since he needed to purchase few stuffs.He told me try the Paldo noodles which is from and famous in Korea. There was two chilli picture mentioning that it will be spicy.Since it was a very long time I had noodles I grabbed a packet home.

It was very easy to make this one just boil the water hot and then pour it on the noodles before adding the taste maker in that.I waited for few minutes and tasted the soup portion first ,it was super hot and spicy.After coming to US there were two times when I had tasted something super spicy. Once in a Chinese restaurant I dipped my roasted baby corn into wassabi sauce thinking that was mint chutney and once in a Mexican restaurant had a competition with my classmate who eats the nachos with maximum jalapeno sauce.But these two stuffs were one time tasters so drank a lot of water after that.But today i had to eat the whole Paldo noodles which was also boiling hot making it more spicy. Before I was done water started pouring from nose and eyes and it gave me a satisfaction of having an Andra meal.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

~~Wonderful performance by Indian runners~~

It was an awesome performance by Indian women in 4*400 relay in CWG, especially the third runner gaining a lot of momentum and making a huge impact. Also never seen a huge Indian crowd cheering the runners!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

~~How to be happy~~

With six subjects this semester our weekdays are filled with assignments, classes,readings projects, etc. Its kind of good keeping you occupied most of the time.
One of my class mate asked me today

"How come you are always happy?" I asked is there anything wrong with it !

No no how you are able to sustain it?
I replied I enjoy life at the moment not worry about past or future.

What you do when you get problems?
I said I dont see problems as problems but think what is the solution for the problem.

How were my replies ;)

Monday, October 11, 2010

~~Quote I liked~~

"Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backwards"
-Søren Kierkegaard

Sunday, October 10, 2010

~~Walk along the river side drive~~

NYC is one of the few places in US where people still walk. If you love walking then its a walkers paradise. My apartment is located just 100 meters from the river Hudson and when I get bored or had nothing else to do on a weekend I used take a take a walk along the river. There are two ways to take this walk one inside the park and other on the side of the river ,so while going in I will take the route via the river and while coming back I used to take route via the park.

The good thing about the walkway is that when you enter in the riverside there is no exit until 1.5 miles away,so its total of 3 miles to and fro .Its a wonderful time pass looking at birds,people with a pleasant breeze from the river.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

~~10-10-10--great escape~~

If I was in India this should have been my D-day but thank God I m in NYC. Its really great to be in big apple enjoying life! I think its better to write assignments and take exams at least now :)

~~Visit to post office & library~~

I had to send checks to few of my friends,so the first thing I did was to transfer few cash into the current account and went to nearby post office to buy stamps and envelopes. When I was in the post office I saw an advertisement encouraging people to buy history stamps and funny stamps. I had little idea about what will be history stamps ,so when reached the counter I asked for funny stamps and got the below sheet.

There is a New York public library near my house.Since my college library is huge and extensive I never had the need to go there. But today since I was little bit free I decided to check out.Even though it was small it had some decent collection. I became a member and borrowed a book back home.

Friday, October 8, 2010

~~Pic for the day~~

This was taken at the modern at section in Metropoltian Museum of Arts(MoMA) two weeks back!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

~~Time Travel Tag~~

As per Sheila's request doing this tag and I really enjoyed it!

Time Travel Tag

Emily's Rules:

1. Depending on your age, go back 10, 15, 20, or even more years.
2. Tell us how many years back you have travelled and why.
3. Pretend you have met yourself during that era, and tell us where you are.
4. You only have one "date" with this former self.
5. Answer these questions.

Q 1. Okay, as we start, what period is it and how old are you?
A. I will go back to the year 1997 when I was in eight standard.
Why ? That was the year when my YYS watched P.Chidambaram then finance minister of India unveiled the dream budget for India which paved way economic reforms in the country. Though I didn't understand what that budget meant to India at that time ,it was during those days I started liking to be economics and wanted to be one.

Q 2. Would your younger self (YYS, from here) recognize you when you first meet?
A. Since I m still younger , my YYS will definitely recognise me !
YYS: I never know I had a twin brother!
Me :yea buddy being happy and making others happy keeps you young and fit.

Q 3 . Would YYS be surprised to discover what you are doing job wise?
A. YYS: innumma nee paduchutu irruka ? enna maari innum vetti payal aa than irrukiyaa
He wouldn't believe that I m studying now.

Q 4. What piece of fashion advice would you give YYS?
A. YYS: Why people always look at me, is that anything to do with my dressing style?
Me: buddy people look at you not not because of your dress ,remember whatever dress you wear it will be looking good on you and get used to the stares you get all the way you grow up!

Q 5. What do you think YYS is most going to want to know?
A. I like him to ask "What good thing you did to change the world in to a better place "
but actually he will ask "Did you have any girl friend or met any girl ?"

Q 6 . How would you answer YYS's question?
A. Will say to him I still younger too early to find one ;)

Q 7 . What would probably be the best thing to tell YYS?
A. Don't study too much and waste your time ! you will never know how much time you are going to waste studying useless stuff in the coming days ;)
(Maybe I spoiled him that time itself :) )
Q 8. What is something that you probably wouldn't tell YYS?
A. It will take 13 more years to study what you really liked!
It wouldn't have made any difference as YYS(even present self) used to enjoy the life at that moment and not worry about the future!

Q 9. What do you think will most surprise YYS about you?
A. He would be wondering how the hell did I manage to get into an Ivy league college. He would be really proud that I am doing what he dreamed to do!

Q 10. What do you think will least surprise YYS?
A. He wouldn't be surprised to see me still enjoying life as he used to do ,getting updates of his friends at that time and how I still manage to keep in touch with them.

Q 11. At this point in your life, would YYS like to run into "you" from the future?
A. Maybe next year because even my present self dont know what I am going to do next year.

My tag , I would like Krishna to continue this tag,as his last post was talking about his younger self.