Saturday, November 13, 2010

~~A lovely day~~

There are few places in New York city that I have kept in mind to visit only with a reason. Central park is one such places.

Yesterday evening I talked with one of school mate who was living in jersey city with her husband and was soon moving to west coast. So we decided to meet of brunch at early morning 11 o clock. I told her to give a wake up call so that I can make it.At 10 today I got a wake up call and hurried up and finally reached the place around 12 o clock. The place was peach tree tavern.

One of our common friend also joined us. After a delicious brunch stuffed with artichoke and mushroom stuffed toast. After lunch my friend and her hubby decided to goto an opera which i had no interest. The weather was perfect with temperature around 15 C and sun shining bright. I asked my other friend whats her plan and unanimously we decided to goto central park. Yea its one place I have kept in my mind not to visit alone.

Fall is the best time to visit central park with each tree with different colors and the park is so huge you and lots of thing to do and in short its like the heart of Manhattan.We walked through the narrow criss cross lanes inside the park looking at stuffs various people were up to.There were few marriages happening at the park,few kids celebrating their birthday,tourist giving their legs a break.

There was an Afro American street artist show going on which was really really funny mocking all the people across the world.They randomly picked people from the crowd and did tricks and stuffs. They called an a small kid and then asked people in crowd to give a quarter and a 10$ bill.Then they said they are going teach the kid how to use money.They asked the kid do want this dirty paper or the silver coin and naturally the kid chose the coin.

After a 2 hour walk in the park we decided to give it break as it was getting darker and as I had another appointment with my classmate I decided to leave. I know central park was beautiful but I came to know its more than that.


  1. 15 C...that's brrrrr for me...even with sun shining brightly :)

    btw...luv central park :)

  2. For me the cold weather is not an issue its the wind which causes the trouble!
    yupp central park is awesome :)
