Saturday, October 9, 2010

~~Visit to post office & library~~

I had to send checks to few of my friends,so the first thing I did was to transfer few cash into the current account and went to nearby post office to buy stamps and envelopes. When I was in the post office I saw an advertisement encouraging people to buy history stamps and funny stamps. I had little idea about what will be history stamps ,so when reached the counter I asked for funny stamps and got the below sheet.

There is a New York public library near my house.Since my college library is huge and extensive I never had the need to go there. But today since I was little bit free I decided to check out.Even though it was small it had some decent collection. I became a member and borrowed a book back home.


  1. heyy...u have money to send other people checks?:))
    I love Archie comics :)

  2. haha this is a two digit transaction!
    settling for the broadway show which I saw last month :)

  3. Loved the Stamps!!!
    And mighty impressed by your passion for for your blog!
