Monday, October 18, 2010

~~Meeting my friend~~

I met my friend,Rebecca who is working as a HR in my former company for lunch.She had come with her husband to visit her sister who is working in NYC.

Flashback: year was 2009,when I was working hard for my company! I used to get up at 5 30 am,YEA 5:30AM! only when I get up that time I can get ready in time to catch my bus at 6 30. If one misses it then we have to use public transport or a late bus which will reach office only by noon and he/she will be roasted by then. So catching the bus in the morning was a crucial factor in my day to day life. I used to catch the bus at Secretariet colony and Rebecca used to catch at Mummy daddy,the next stop.So when I get in the bus I used to alert her sending a message about the arrival of bus. If I miss the bus she used to stop the bus for me or if she is late I make sure that bus never leaves mummy daddy without picking her.

Apart from this usual ritual we used to chat a lots of stuffs from books,food,movies and the one I like the most are her day to day HR issues which she deals with the unmanageable IT crowd.Those conversations would be the perfect start for the day.One thing I miss after coming to US are those morning bus journies :)

Most importantly when I told her I m going to US she advised me to have a makeover which resulted in taking my moushtache off which got me a positive feedback from many people.


  1. Good advice from Rebecca regarding your moustache:) I also told you the same. Good for you ;)
    From '04 - '07 I was without the mush and the effect was awesome!!!. One of these day I will take it off again.

  2. @ Sundar
    OH NO, PLEEAAAASSSE!!!!! I'm trying to forget the '04-'07 period..

  3. Hey Sri...I remember u telling me about your bus friend during one of our chats. So nice that you met her here and she did give you a good piece of advice :)

  4. @Sheila
    OH YES, PLEEAAAASSSE!!!!! I'm trying to re-live the '04-'07 period..

  5. @Sundu
    Sheila is jealous :) start living life this moment !

    If its good for me y not for Sundu ?

  6. Sri...u look good without mush...look at our Euro pics...can u honestly same the same of ur big bro?? :)

  7. Sriram,
    now we know whom to contact to get the things done? I'm going to talk to her reg. your Boston trip. :):)

  8. @Priya
    Book tickets for Boston I will come :)

  9. @Thiru
    ok ok what I said about work was little too much :)
