Thursday, November 25, 2010

~~early to airport~~

Before leaving to Charlotte for the Thanksgiving break people are over US threatened to mean to leave early to the airport exaggerating long queues, traffic jams etc.Being a sincere a student(!) I never bunk classes and leaving airport early means I have to miss a class. Though I was not keen on missing the class I wanted my relatives to be in peace.So I took the hard decision of bunking the class and leaving to airport early. If it was for bunking this class I would have left a day before.

So never before in the history of my life I started to airport just 5 miles away 4 hours before. When we early everything happens accordingly as soon as I reached the bus stop there was a bus waiting for me I thought I will catch the next bus but the driver waited for me to board the bus. I have reached airport more quickly than ever as the streets were empty and to more annoying fact the airport was deserted and there was very few people flying out at that time even the flight I took had seats empty at the back as out pilot requested few people to move to the back row to balance the weight.

I thought its only me who was under going the pain to wait for the flight when I saw tweet from one of my favourite blogger "JFK Delta terminal deserted. No lines. No pornoscanner. And I came 2.5 hrs early. How anticlimactic."

going early to airport its a bad idea you always miss the thrill and fun :)


  1. sri...chumaa polambaathey....better to be early...than late.
    Who knows...u might find your kili one day at the airport waiting like like this :)

  2. Sri,
    Just be beware that there are many ppl around you to scare you for every silly thing.
    For 5 miles, 4 hours early...Man, don't go Nuts :)

  3. @sheila
    Only paatis will be there early kilis always arrive late :)

    yeayea for SD trip I m planning to go on time :P
