Wednesday, November 24, 2010

~~News from Bihar~~

Its wonderful news coming from Bihar to see that the people have elected the incumbent Nitish Kumar government with stunning absolute majority when I last saw it around 206/243 seats. This means lots to the state and as a country as a whole.Something which can change the way politics is run in the country.

For a state which was riddled with casteism, underdevelopment law and order issues,people were moving out of the state for jobs and other means of life.It was a state surviving on remittances. When development happens in one state and another state is left back it is cause of concern for the country as a whole. So when Nitish Kumar got into power years ago he didn't bring lot of industries to his state which creates jobs, he started with the basic development, building roads and restoring law and order.Another main thing he did was empowering woman as it had a tremendous impact on the woman voters who in previous occasions justed voted what their husband said. Nitish Kumar is not strong orator like Laloo but people prefer task master than a stand up comedian.

For India it sends strong message to all the politicians people will elect you back if you do the job right. Gujarat and Delhi have elected their imcumbent CM's but winning from an underdeveloped state like Bihar means a lot.In the past anti imcumbancy played a major role in Indian politics and politicians considered it as a burden and after losing elections they used give a statement people needed a change but never introspecting why they needed a change.May be the results from Bihar will clearly tell them what they need to do.

Hats off to Nitish Kumar!


  1. I am going miss Lalu!!!! Man who is going to make us laugh anymore!!!!

  2. dont worry Laloo will still be there entertaining people but I doubt ppl will give him power!

  3. Nithish expected to win and he won, just like Modi n Sheila :)
    Speaking of Bihar, i can't forget my mid-night scooter ride with a complete stranger from station to hotel and btw, he the one who woke me up @ Jamshedpur!

  4. yea he was expected to win but this is a huge margin!
