Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last week after having heavy dinner for Thanks Giving, we settled at one of our friends place in Atlanta. Since next day was black Friday mamis friend suggested that we will go shopping at 4am so that they can get things very cheap.Since that was my bed time and being a good boy sleeping on time I said I will sleep. There were booklets which I browsed and circled few stuffs which I liked and I went to bed to sleep.

I woke in the morning around 10 and these guys didnt come back home yet.Finally they came back home with car full of stuffs.The above were the first installment of things which were bought on that day.


  1. how many of these bags were for u? :)

  2. I got a thundu and thoppi :)
    Also mama took us out again in noon where we got few more stuffs!

  3. thats it? dude, this is nothing:)

  4. see being in Newyork you cant just like that get stuffs b use of space constraints!
    for example if I need to buy a new jacket I should throw out the jacket which you got!

  5. Gr8 Sri...thalaila thundu potutu utkaardhirukkalaam :)

  6. btw Sri, did u use this thundu as scarf for the christmas party you went :)
