Saturday, October 23, 2010

~~Trip to Jackson Heights~~

Finally I was able to finish off 4 pound(1.89kg) rice packet which Ganesh bought for me during end of June. So when my room mate asked me whether I am interested to goto Jackson heights with him ,I agreed to go with him to refill stuffs and also to have good lunch at an restaurant.

As usual we got up late and by the time we reached for lunch it was almost 3.We stopped at a south Indian restaurant and I had Idly, vadai and dosa(choice of the restaurant was my room mates not mine as he wanted to eat dosa). Jackson heights is in queens and its yet another place in NYC where you will feel home.The streets will be filled with Indian people and hawkers calling us to get stuffs,cars honking the alley while they pass through the crowded street.

Then we went to the Indian grocery store there were lots of ready made stuffs available but I was never interested to pick anything as it required atleast 5 minutes of cooking.So I just picked up a ponni rice packet and 2 mintue noodles packet back home. I think this rice packet will come all the winter!

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