Friday, October 22, 2010

~~Exam today~~

Our mid term exams began in middle of this week and will go until mid of next week. Can you guess what is that sheet below? yupp its the bit paper I carried to the exam hall. Our professor knowing that how our performance will be, allowed us to carry a cheat sheet where we can write anything and take to the exam hall. So normally I used to spend 2 hours before the exam brushing up things but today I took care I write stuffs in that time.I wrote on the back page too!

Exam started well as everything from the bit was transferred to the main paper.As usual there was one question that I forgot to copy in that bit and didn't know what was asked,again our kind professor came to rescue told that we can skip one question and I gladly skipped that:)


  1. ada paavi...bit aa ithu??...looks more like open notes to me :)

  2. I took 2 hrs to prepare this sheet :)

  3. Oooh Man, un story-iku alavae illaiya????

  4. hey this reminds me of my college days; I never took the bit with me but always steal the paper from my friend sitting in front of me during the exams; he went to get more paper from the supervisor and when he came back there were no paper on his desk; i still remember the look on his face he had on seeing no papers on his desk; hahah fun times; itha padichittu Priya teacher enna solluvangalo; rimba bayama irukku
