Wednesday, November 3, 2010

~~Winter Time~~

Being my first winter in NYC I have been getting threats from people from all corner of the world describing how horrible its going to be.Though they try to get me depressed I am keeping them up with a smiling face.Yea winter is depressing not because of the weather but I feel all girls in NYC have grown fatter.More like the April May of India(feel like singing that song)

Yesterday night when I was catching the train back to NYC we were wait at the platform for the train to come,it was cold with the mercury going below 5 C. I had three layers of clothing to overcome the weather.It was a relief when the train came and it was warm inside, when I reached New York the sultry sub way system made me sweat with all the clothing on. I took the train walked all the home ,when I reached the room I was drenched.I was wondering how come NYC is so hot when I was shivering at a place 100 miles south. My room mate brought me back to senses when he asked me whether the centralised heating system works in my room!


  1. dude,

    dont get depressed.. just enjoy it, like i do. Winter can be messy sometimes but there is lot of fun. walk carefully when icy; thats it.. you'll be fine.. and watch out for pantless day on subway trains:-)

  2. my favorite part of winter is the first snowfall...then I'm ready for spring :)
    don't get depressed can get some "pasumai" when you visit SD where you see 'legs' year round ;))
