Saturday, November 20, 2010

~~Movie I liked~~

There are few movies which are really good that you can watch it again and again.I would put Bucket list in that category in fact most of the movies Morgan Freeman movies.Yesterday when it was shown in cable I decided to watch it.

It was well scripted movie with a person who has devoted his entire life for his family and other being a successful businessman spending the last few months of their life together doing things they wanted to do.

one of favourite scene from the movie ,when souls reach heaven God will ask two question
1)Have you found joy in your life ?
2)Has your life brought joy to others ?

Even we can think about it now before its too late!


  1. Sri, எங்கோயோ போயிட்ட :)

    Every now and then you go deep! Really deep!!
    Let me try to go deep too!

    The key words here are Life & Joy.

    What is Life? Your thoughts, words, actions, behavior and interaction with others.

    How do you define Joy? Joy for one could be a torture for others! Very often, Joy in question 1 conflicts with joy in question 2. Isn't it?

  2. It could be conflicting ... or complementing...
    When you find joy in your spread joy in others' lives :)

  3. @Sundu
    in movie Morgan Freeman is a guy who sacrifices his life for his family and for Jack Nicholson his priorities are more important. they have similar arguments. have you seen the movie ?

    agree with you :)

  4. @Sri
    Haven't seen the movie yet. Sounds interesting and will see it now.
