Sunday, October 10, 2010

~~Walk along the river side drive~~

NYC is one of the few places in US where people still walk. If you love walking then its a walkers paradise. My apartment is located just 100 meters from the river Hudson and when I get bored or had nothing else to do on a weekend I used take a take a walk along the river. There are two ways to take this walk one inside the park and other on the side of the river ,so while going in I will take the route via the river and while coming back I used to take route via the park.

The good thing about the walkway is that when you enter in the riverside there is no exit until 1.5 miles away,so its total of 3 miles to and fro .Its a wonderful time pass looking at birds,people with a pleasant breeze from the river.


  1. Was there a Kili walking along with you?

  2. Walking I like to take alone! only swimming with Kilis :)

  3. I luv walking in's definitely a walker's paradise!

    so...any other episodes while swimming with kilis? ;)

  4. do you expect me wear the loose shorts again :)
    Since I m using the one which I got from India everythings fine!
