Saturday, December 11, 2010

~~Christmas in NYC~~

This weekend started started as usual,I waited for my cook to deliver food .Once I had delicious lunch I thought its long time I opened my books and since exams are round the corner I thought let me check whether I have books and notes in place.After sometime when when I got all the books in place and I was all set to start, Diana called and said Ganesh and she are on the way to NYC. Since there is always another time to study I closed my book got ready to meet them.

After 15 minutes of playing hide and seek in Penn station I finally found D & G waiting near knicks stadium.Then we walked to Macys,the whole store was painted
in red and white.We roamed through all the 9 levels seeing each level jam packed with people.Then from there we walked to 59th street to Columbus circle market.Ganesh saw a cap woren by a person similar to one below and wanted the same but he couldn't find the exact match.

At Columbus circle market there were lots of petty shops selling lots of knick knacks,after browsing sometime we went for dinner. After having wonderful pizza and roasted egg plant we walked through 5th avenue taking pictures and looking at the christmas decorations.Then finally reached Rockefeller center,oh man it was really crowded brining me memories of Ranganathan street. We fighted our way through the crowd to reach near the awesome christmas tree.It took sometime to take pictures right. As D & G were going for a musical at radio city I said good bye to them and came back home.


  1. ice skating @ Rockefeller center...and where r lights pics??

  2. Since there was a professional photographer with me I didnt take my camera!
    btb it took 10 minutes to walk 50 feet to get near the christmas tree,in order to skate we shd have atleast waited 2 hours so skipped that!

  3. This is the place to be for holidays. Had a fantastic time at NYC. Yep, photos will follow soon. Came home early morning after enjoying the midnight city strolls.
    What a crowd it was.....inviting me year by year, glory fades away.
    When we were coming back, the train was full, packed with people who were standing till Edison and there was good crowd giving us company till our station. There was full pack of santa's traveling with us. Came to know that college students were dressed up like Santa for free unlimited drinks at a NYC bar (Sriram thats why i offered you and Ganesh at least Santa cap; I am happy you guys passed it :))

  4. ready with the santa suit next time!

  5. @Diana
    Drinks only for ppl with full Santa suit ,you promised to get us only the cap ada vechutu onnum panni irruka mudiyadu.So next time dress Ganesh as Santa and bring to NYC :)

    You know while going in the metro there were two santa girls chating with me,while leaving the train one of the girl said I will be getting an exciting gift for christmas!Hope something great is waiting for me in SD :))
