Thursday, October 14, 2010

~~Spicy stuff for dinner~~

Since I usually have good home made dinner I never had the need to buy any fast food stuffs or ready to eat stuffs from the shop. Yesterday while coming from school Hyung and me went to a department store since he needed to purchase few stuffs.He told me try the Paldo noodles which is from and famous in Korea. There was two chilli picture mentioning that it will be spicy.Since it was a very long time I had noodles I grabbed a packet home.

It was very easy to make this one just boil the water hot and then pour it on the noodles before adding the taste maker in that.I waited for few minutes and tasted the soup portion first ,it was super hot and spicy.After coming to US there were two times when I had tasted something super spicy. Once in a Chinese restaurant I dipped my roasted baby corn into wassabi sauce thinking that was mint chutney and once in a Mexican restaurant had a competition with my classmate who eats the nachos with maximum jalapeno sauce.But these two stuffs were one time tasters so drank a lot of water after that.But today i had to eat the whole Paldo noodles which was also boiling hot making it more spicy. Before I was done water started pouring from nose and eyes and it gave me a satisfaction of having an Andra meal.


  1. haha...could imagine you eating with water dripping from ears and nose :)
    nothing like hot and spicy food...yummmm :P

  2. Try some Thai Hot Thai food - You will love it!

  3. @Sheila
    Only smoke from ears :)

    will try that next time !!!

  4. @Sri
    When I first tried Sushi with Wasabi, I over did it and it went straight to my head through my face :)
    Hey I will look for the Paldo brand here and we can make it when you visit for x-mas.

  5. Sri...i'm waiting to take u to Eritrean restaurant :)

  6. @Sundu
    can imagine how would it have went to your head :) paldo you get in many shops n in different varieties!

    Is it similar to Ethiopian ?

  7. yeah...very similar..luv the way the food is served :)

  8. it more hotter than what we had in Sikkim - "The small shining red bomb"?

  9. @Sheila
    you ate Injera from the same plate ?

    that red chilli is similar to wasabi :)
