Sunday, December 19, 2010

~~dropping glove~~

I m still getting used to grip things wearing gloves, so most of the time I used take off the glove from one hand and then use it to take my wallet or mobile but in the sametime glove which is in the gloved hand slips away.More than three occasions it had happened while walking on the street and there is always somebody nice enough to pick it up and give it back to me.

So I was bragging about this to my classmate how nice people are. He replied "try dropping both the glove next time"


  1. When the girls were little, I used to buy them winter jackets that had gloves attached to the sleeves so they would never drop works for all ages :)

  2. Then if I have to take something out I have to remove the whole jacket :)

  3. the gloves are attached to the sleeves by a thin strip of cloth so they just hang loose when u take them off...guess i should have been more specific :)

  4. Sri,

    Don't buy what Sheila is suggesting. You have to keep dropping stuff at the appropriate time to catch the right Kili. :)

    You can say "Thanks for returning the glove but you still have my heart" :)
