Saturday, December 18, 2010

~~In Heaven~~

Today morning when I woke I saw few messages from one of my classmate mentioning her laptop has some issues and was really worried about it.Since one of our exams is an online exams a laptop is necessary for that. I told not to worry and said to bring the laptop college to fix it.

So when I opened the laptop and the screen I didn't understand whats on the screen then i realized everything was in Spanish.I tried to open few applications but nothing was opening,it was affected by access denial malware.It took some 15 minutes to use my rusted computer knowledge and it back to work.

I gave it back to her and and said she is all set to take the exam on it. She was so happy and said "Sriram you will go to Heaven!". I asked " Why are killing me so soon?".
She said "No no not soon but eventually.Its where good people go". Then finally she got me packet of nachos from the vending for the help I did!


  1. hmmmm...only nachos??? big hug for the wonderful help u did????....or are u leaving out some details?????

  2. adulam illamaya! its always good if its left to imagination ;)

  3. imagination- we went on to have duet in snow :)
