Wednesday, October 6, 2010

~~Time Travel Tag~~

As per Sheila's request doing this tag and I really enjoyed it!

Time Travel Tag

Emily's Rules:

1. Depending on your age, go back 10, 15, 20, or even more years.
2. Tell us how many years back you have travelled and why.
3. Pretend you have met yourself during that era, and tell us where you are.
4. You only have one "date" with this former self.
5. Answer these questions.

Q 1. Okay, as we start, what period is it and how old are you?
A. I will go back to the year 1997 when I was in eight standard.
Why ? That was the year when my YYS watched P.Chidambaram then finance minister of India unveiled the dream budget for India which paved way economic reforms in the country. Though I didn't understand what that budget meant to India at that time ,it was during those days I started liking to be economics and wanted to be one.

Q 2. Would your younger self (YYS, from here) recognize you when you first meet?
A. Since I m still younger , my YYS will definitely recognise me !
YYS: I never know I had a twin brother!
Me :yea buddy being happy and making others happy keeps you young and fit.

Q 3 . Would YYS be surprised to discover what you are doing job wise?
A. YYS: innumma nee paduchutu irruka ? enna maari innum vetti payal aa than irrukiyaa
He wouldn't believe that I m studying now.

Q 4. What piece of fashion advice would you give YYS?
A. YYS: Why people always look at me, is that anything to do with my dressing style?
Me: buddy people look at you not not because of your dress ,remember whatever dress you wear it will be looking good on you and get used to the stares you get all the way you grow up!

Q 5. What do you think YYS is most going to want to know?
A. I like him to ask "What good thing you did to change the world in to a better place "
but actually he will ask "Did you have any girl friend or met any girl ?"

Q 6 . How would you answer YYS's question?
A. Will say to him I still younger too early to find one ;)

Q 7 . What would probably be the best thing to tell YYS?
A. Don't study too much and waste your time ! you will never know how much time you are going to waste studying useless stuff in the coming days ;)
(Maybe I spoiled him that time itself :) )
Q 8. What is something that you probably wouldn't tell YYS?
A. It will take 13 more years to study what you really liked!
It wouldn't have made any difference as YYS(even present self) used to enjoy the life at that moment and not worry about the future!

Q 9. What do you think will most surprise YYS about you?
A. He would be wondering how the hell did I manage to get into an Ivy league college. He would be really proud that I am doing what he dreamed to do!

Q 10. What do you think will least surprise YYS?
A. He wouldn't be surprised to see me still enjoying life as he used to do ,getting updates of his friends at that time and how I still manage to keep in touch with them.

Q 11. At this point in your life, would YYS like to run into "you" from the future?
A. Maybe next year because even my present self dont know what I am going to do next year.

My tag , I would like Krishna to continue this tag,as his last post was talking about his younger self.


  1. LOL @ answer to Q 4 :))
    btw...YYS will not accept that you are still too young to have g/f :))

  2. Sri, you disappointed me very much :) You didn't have any girl friend in 8th? I know you had alleast one gf when you were in 1st grade.

  3. Sri,
    Do a post on "YOS" say in 10 years time - Where will you be, How will you be, Still looking out for kili or Lingering out in Africa or having two kids and enjoying with'll be Fun:))

  4. @Sheila
    in more precise way its like telling him its not worth to have one

    I had lots not one :)

    haha if I had known what would I be doing I would have surely written that :)

  5. actually your YYS would have said...ada madayaa innumaadaa onakku g/f illai??

  6. @Sheila
    my YYS will never ask that b use he knows me better :)
