Monday, November 22, 2010

~~Wake up calls~~

I was in a deep sleep when my morning alarm(mobile phone) rang I opened my eyes and it was little dark.I soon realised its not an alarm but a call from my cousin from India

cousin: Sri are you sleeping ?
me: Do you expect me to play cricket at mid night?
cousin: you only said there is just 1:30 hr time difference,so you sleep till 9?
Me: what its 6:00 am here you shd subract 1:30 hrs backward not add forward
cousin:ok sorry ,I need some advise regarding the elective I need to choose
(haiyoo haiyoo)
me:See I will call you back ,now I m going back to sleep!

I bundled up back to bed ,again when I was back to my dreams, phone rang tried to snooze it but it was my uncle

uncle:Sri are you sleeping?
Me: Already had a wake up call
uncle:just wanted to make sure you got up early and went to class on time!
me: evening 6 o clock class ku why should I get up at 7 am
uncle:thanks giving day airport will be crowded go early to the airport.
me:dont worry I will goto to the airport a day before and sit there!

After the call I tried to sleep again but within few mintues my actual alarm rang and with sun shining bright it was the only motivation to get up that time.

And the whole day was as if I had a hangover!


  1. Sri,
    that reminds, haven't given your phone number to me...

    Don't worry..i'll be the last person to wake you up anytime :)

  2. glad u'll never get wake up call from me :)

    btw...u'll be getting lots of calls to make sure u get on the flt :))

  3. @KG
    since I dont have your number I cant call u to give mine ;)

    haha u know I dont like to wait in airport ,so lets see still not yet decided on the exactly time to leave and how to reach airport!
