Sunday, December 5, 2010

~~Movie night~~

Winters can be depressing when roaming around is not a good thing to do but staying inside the pigeon hole makes it even worse.So this weekend since I didnt want stay up in room I took a walk to the grocery store and got stuff,by evening went to college and sincerely studied. By night I came back to my room hating the thought of lazily killing the time. I met my room mate at door step he asked me want to come for Harry Potter movie for which I instantly said yes.

So took subway to a theater near Lincoln center for 11 o clock show.Having read all the books harry potter series are something going for a decade starting late 90's till 2011 for the final film,though its not good as the book it was a good time pass for Saturday night.


  1. It's only Dec and technically still Fall ....can't get depressed about winter already :)

  2. there is nothing more to fall from the trees expect for the stem so fall is over!
    anyways I m not going to be locked inside my room fearing the winter :)
