Sunday, November 7, 2010

~~Unfinished Agenda~~

After listening to the two day conference these were some of things which were reforms still need to be done. Its said that the we have already picked low lying fruits and we need to go to the next level so all these reforms will take its own time but will surely pass through.

1)Infrastructure : Ajay Panda one of the young MP's of India pointed out there is just only one difference between India and China its not about being democratic or communist its just the infrastructure gap between two countries.Though there is a tremendous improvement in airport facilities and telecom lots need to be done in power,roads and urban infrastructure.

Though there are millions of students graduating out of college every year only 50% of them are fit to be employable in firms. Primary education should be improved dropouts should be reduced.Kapil Sibal our current education minister is working hard to get this passed in current tenure of UPA.

3)Health care:
40% of children born in India are malnourished,public health care system should be developed. Tamil Nadu was termed as a state having good health care facilities bringing child mortality rate almost to zero.

The problem in Indian agriculture is exogenous(outside the system), lots of trade restrictions which makes farmers not getting the right price for their crops.More than that subsidies kill the system, instead of those just few hours of
uninterupted power supply will do good to them

5)Administrative reforms:
Indian judicial system and police system needs to be reformed. For reforming the police system the bill has been placed in parliament but never know when it will be passed.

6) Fiscal deficit:
Every year governments spending is been increasing more than its revenue. Cost cutting measures should be taken before its too late.Bold measures needs to done in reducing military spending.

7)Labor law:
One of the most controversial bill which needs to be passed. No one had confidence it will come through in the coming decade.

8)Water Management:
This is going to be a main issue in this century. Technological measures needed to overcome this problem.

All these things are easy said than done!


  1. Good to know about Healthe Care News in TN!what is the Controversial labor law?

  2. Its need to bring a law like in US you can hire and fire employees anytime, in India its not so easy to fire an employee esp in public sector.

  3. it will be good, if they dont implement that!
