Wednesday, November 10, 2010

~~Reading Worldnews~~

I always have a habit of spending sometime on reading whats happening around the world. In my school and college days these were just helping me to attend few quiz competitions .Now coming to the university, these small stuffs helps me a lot in conversation starters.

News like a big coal IPO in Mongolia having a positive impact in Hong Kong stock market or a google map mistake causing a border issue between Costa Rica and Nicaragua or Hurricane Richard causing damages in Belize gives a chance to talk about those stuffs to the people of the respective countries.The insight what I get from them is 100% more than what is told in the newspapers and also any people would be proud and happy to talk about their country. Sometimes they will be surprised how come I know about it.

So last few days was my time to brag about, Obama visiting India is a hot topic in discussion and there were lots of people in my class asking me the significance of his visit. I used to tell people on how strategic his visit is and and assurance of permanent seat for India is a major policy shift from US perspective.

Thats why there were lots of stuffs about Obama in my blog and facebook!

1 comment:

  1. life is never a dull moment...being an international student and conversing with other internationals..enjoy :)
