Monday, June 29, 2009

My bad hair day

There will few days where in which nothing right happens from the begining. Today is one such day for me.
I didnt have any Monday morning blues since the weekend was well spent in office,but I got little bit late for my bus,so had to run my 100m dash to catch the bus on time ,once in the bus I realised I missed to take my mobile. Also I forgot to take a book , since I have never been without these two it was like I lost both my hands.
Once in office I there was some issue in my project ,so my lead was cross with me,it took some to get hand over the stuff.
For lunch I opened my tiffen box my grandma packed wonderful idlies but alas she forgot to pack chutney with that.
Then evening when I supposed to leave there some other issues which I had to take care, in the end reached home around 10.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

~~Fined for Illegal download~~

Last week I read a news about a woman who was fined whooping 1.9 million dollars for downloading 24 songs from the net. Reason she has illegally downloaded from a website,around 80000$ for a song.

In most of the countries people dont know what is legal or illegal download ,when data is available free on net why will one think before fetching it. Its like punishing the cat for drinking the milk just because it found a monkey which gives free milk. But the monkey is stealing the milk from the cows. Cows are happy this cat cant drink their milk anymore but monkey finds different place and different cat, still steal the same milk.

This may be a judgement to frighten people from abstaining from illegal download but in this free world if will be difficult to impose restrictions on what people should see, hear or download.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Top 7 reasons why we joined IT ...

I got this forward sometime back , thought to share it

1) I hated sleep.
2) I had enjoyed my life enough.
3) I couldn't live without tension.
4) I wanted to pay for my sins.
5) I believed in Bhagwad Geeta : karm karo , phal ki ichha na karo..
6) Everything in life has a reason; i wanted to prove it wrong.
7) I wanted to take revenge on myself.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I miss in Chennai life!!!

Having been to Cochin for the weekend ,I realised how easy life has been when I had been there. There are few things which I miss after coming to Chennai
They are
1)Bike rides to office:
It always better to goto office using our own commute,it gives flexibility you can go anytime and come anytime.Here if I m just few minutes late I have to run a 100m race to catch the bus or if I have little more work had to wait 3 hours to catch the late bus.
2)Morning sleep:
I had never seen sun rise at Cochin all the while I had been there.Getting up late is a lovely pleasure one can have.
I wont say I m really missing it but self cooking experiments are always fun and that too when gang of people come to eat it.
No comments ,I m drained in this heat.
I had lot of personal time sometimes long enough leaving me jobless, here personal times are restricted to the time I travel in bus.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back to Chennai!!!

Never felt to come back to Chennai after three wonderful days in Cochin. Weather was excellent raining everyday ,with pleasant breeze throughout the day.
will update about the Cochin trip shortly!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Weekend Break!!!

I m leaving to Cochin for weekend , time moves very quicky ,its been almost six months I have left that place. Hope to meet my old pals and have great time there!
Will be out of blogging for three days!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New search engine

Last week I read an article about microsoft's new search engine Bing. About its better algorithm used to search compared to google. When I tried opening the site for the first time , I liked the look and feel of it a beautiful picture of some important places around the world with few questions asking us to guess the place and personalities born there or historical events took in that place.This is Microsoft s final attempt to challenge google which
is having monopoly in this area (around 70% of the people use google).
Coming back to the main feature ,in search results for a content they have tried to categorise the results as subtopics,which some might find it useful.Apart from that it has all the features required for a search engine which one can find in google and yahoo search.
I m using bing for the past three days just for a change and its makes my day interesting to start ,with the questions asked in the background picture.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wii Experience!!!

Two months ago when I took my nephew's to Satyam ,I played few games in Wii. That was different experience,first time I was sweating playing a video game. All the more when two players were pitted against each other it became lot more interesting.
When I was chating with my loving Brother regarding this experience ,he volountarily agreed to send me one. He sent it to my uncle who delivered it to me last weekend.
Unpacking the stuff itself gave me immense pleasure and I was caught unaware of what is what until my uncle's son helped me out in figuring to connect it perfectly.
Then we started playing few games it ,from minutes it went to hours. It is a good time pass but I started feeling pain in my shoulder next day.
This is one more toy added to my kitty to attract respect from my nephws and cousins :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Book I read..

Last week I read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Hosseini. This was his second novel Im reading after kite runner. Trademarks in his novels are the realism,bitterness,struggle involved in day to day life of the Afganistan people,a country which has been ravished by wars for more than 30 years.

This novel involves around two women from different parts of Afganistan. Their lives meet when get married to a same person due to different circumstances.Novel takes through 40 years of Afgan history where we see monoarchy getting thrown,Russian occupation,jihadis chasing away Russians,occupation of Taliban and finally overthrowing of Taliban.
The books title got its name from a famous 17th century poem of the Persian poet Saib-e-Tabrizi called Kabul.

Ah! How beautiful is Kabul encircled by her arid mountains
And Rose, of the trails of thorns she envies
Her gusts of powdered soil, slightly sting my eyes
But I love her, for knowing and loving are born of this same dust

My song exhalts her dazzling tulips
And at the beauty of her trees, I blush
How sparkling the water flows from Pul-I Bastaan!
May Allah protect such beauty from the evil eye of man!

Khizr chose the path to Kabul in order to reach Paradise
For her mountains brought him close to the delights of heaven
From the fort with sprawling walls, A Dragon of protection
Each stone is there more precious than the treasure of Shayagan

Every street of Kabul is enthralling to the eye
Through the bazaars, caravans of Egypt pass
One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs
And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls

Her laughter of mornings has the gaiety of flowers
Her nights of darkness, the reflections of lustrous hair
Her melodious nightingales, with passion sing their songs
Ardent tunes, as leaves enflamed, cascading from their throats

And I, I sing in the gardens of Jahanara, of Sharbara
And even the trumpets of heaven envy their green pastures

(hope the good old time come back for that country)

Book will definitely melt one's heart and will make us look Afganistan from a different eye.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A few tongue twisters

1. If you understand, say "understand" . If you don ' t understand, say " don ' t understand". But if you understand and say "don ' t understand". How do I understand that you understand? Understand!

2. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won ' t wish the wish you wish to wish.

3. Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.

4 ..A sailor went to sea to see, what he could see. And all he could see was sea, sea, sea.

5 .. Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People

6 ..If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

7 ..I thought a thought.But the thought I thought wasn ' t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn ' t have thought so much.

8 ..Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow, Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?"

9.Mr Inside went over to see Mr Outside. Mr Inside stood outside and called to MrOutside inside.

Mr Outside answered Mr Inside from inside and Told Mr Inside to come inside. Mr Inside said "NO", and told Mr Outside to come outside.

Mr Outside and Mr Inside argued from inside and outside about going outside or coming inside. Finally, Mr Outside coaxed Mr Inside to come inside, then both Mr Outside and Mr Inside went outside to the riverside.


11.. The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn. **********

12..If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

"When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor ' s the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor ' s way"

13..We surely shall see the sun shine shortly. Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, We ' ll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. Watch? Whether the weather is hot.

Whether the weather is cold. Whether the weather is either or not. It is whether we like it or not.

14..Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely .

15 .A flea and a fly in a flue Said the fly "Oh what should we do" Said the flea" Let us fly Said the fly"Let us flee" So they flew through a flaw in the flue

16..If you tell Tom to tell a tongue-twister his tongue will be twisted as tongue-twister twists tongues.

17..Mr. See owned a saw.And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See ' s saw sawed Soar ' s seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore..Had Soar seen See ' s saw Before See sawed Soar ' s seesaw, See ' s saw would not have sawed Soar ' s seesaw. So See ' s saw sawed Soar ' s seesaw.But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because See ' s saw sawed Soar ' s seesaw .....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My cousin out of orkut??? Chanceless!

Begining of this month I was chating with my cousin,suddenly she said she s going to be out orkut(internet) for an year since she is going to study sincerly for 12th standard. I know this little net addict cant withstand long enough. So whatever she said seriously, I took it as a good joke. But instead of discouraging her I said I will give her ten thousand bucks if she judiciously follows it. This offer made her little tensed and she proposed a different deal, if she stays of out orkut for a month I will give her thousand bucks. This is win win situation for her, if she stays out of orkut she will get 1000 bucks and if she doesnt she doesnt have to pay anything to me. I said fine just to have fun with her for a month.

There are three people in the world against whom you can place bet and be sure you can definitely win it.
a)Drunkard---> never to drink again
b)Gambler----> never to gamble again
c)my cousin-->never to use orkut (at least a month)

The deal was planned between June 3rd to July 3rd, in the first week she was damm confident that she she s gonna win the bet, I used to get messages(sms) at wee hours around 12 or 1 am just to show that she s sincerly studying and and sobre from using internet. Few sample messages
(June 7th 11:30pm)--> Still 26 days to go for me to win the bet ie 1000rs
(June 11th 12:30am)-> Just 20 more days to go,I feel pity for you :P

But when it went to the second week her hands got itchy and she started to miss internet a lot.
(June 13th 12:30am)--> Hey Sri if you are free can you check my scrapbook and tellme
Me(June 13th 4:00am)-->No one has scraped ,its still the same old.people forgot that you exist;)
cousin(June 13th 5:25am)-->Unna poi paaka sonnen paaru...
But even then she resisted her temptation to touch net
(June 13th 9:20am) few more days to go am going to win ( this message I felt she was actually saying to herself rather to me)

June 13 being Saturday madam had nothing else to do at home ,she became as restless as people in rehab.Around 7pm I caught her red handed using orkut :)

Me(June 14th 2:15am) few more days to go am going to win.. yaarupa adhu inda msg annupinadu :P

Cousin(June 14th 2:48am) Again I kept a bet..June 20th to July 20th no orkut.. this time I wont lose for sure. (this bet was with my another cousin)

There are few people who say what they do and do what they say. But my cousin has the capability of saying what she could nt do as the thing she can do. I appreciate her for having this over confidence in herself but its pity to see her biting dust this time.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Movie I saw..

I watched 'Diarios de motocicleta' (motor cycle diaries),this is about the famous bike ride which Che Guevara took during the early 1950's covering more than 10000km in the span of over six months through the deserted and populated lands of South America.

What started as a journey to celebrate his friend's 30th birthday at Venezuela, eventually had a deep impact on his life. He meets different people across the different countries subjected to injustice ,poverty,hunger,denied access to basic hospital facilities. Those are called moments of truth when you actually meet common people on the way and check how the country is treating them.The movie comes with a apt tag line 'Before he changed the world, the world changed him '.

When we see a foreign language movie(Spanish) other things which makes us involved are photography and background music which were both excellent.Landscapes of South America makes us wonder whether we still have a beautiful world out there.Actually it won Oscar for its music.Gael Garcia Bernal who acted as Che has given a stunning performance,actually lived like Che looking thoughtful ,especially his body language being an asthma patient.

This is not a movie for entertainment but more of a thought provoking one.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Receiving my uncle at airport!

I started my day way too early,since my uncle and his family are flying down from US I went to airport to receive them. Flight was scheduled to arrive at 3 am,I woke around 2,hired a taxi reached airport within 20 minutes zooming in empty Chennai roads.

In the beginning of this year,when my uncle actually planning the trip,he called me once and said he had got a good deal, to and fro tickets cost ed him just 650$ each.This was just thrice the amount I paid for Chennai-Delhi trip. If I could get tickets at such rates, I could plan a trip around the world for my next vacation.

Now back in the airport airport I heard the announcement flight has arrived some 10 minutes past three. I waiting for their arrival 3:30..4...4:30 still there were no signs of them. Good I took a copy of Business today, but by this time I completed that also.Finally I saw my uncle with luggage just as the same size as the one I usually take home for the weekend. He said only they reached the destination correctly and their baggage was missed somewhere in between(hope its not sent to Africa).

Its been assured that the baggage will be delivered home with 48 hours. Lets hope so.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Got a book

Tomorrow is one of my collegue's birthday ,I usually present books for people who have keen interest in reading. And whenever I get a book for them, I get one for me. Choosing a book is one my favourite passtime.

Today I went landmark after having my dinner,one thing I decide before entering a bookshop is what kind of book I should get else it will be like a person lost in the middle of ocean.Since my collegue is getting married soon I got her Men are from Mars,Women are from Venus ,a book based on relationships. And for me I was looking for some catchy titles. I came across a title 'What nobody ever told you!!' written by a Indian author. Its collection of some 12 riveting stories meant for youth. I am planning to read this weekend. Hope it meets my expectations !

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Things got into my mind

Its more than a year I have attended any sort of trainings in my company, to end this dry run I enrolled for an empowerment training two weeks back. Today I got a day off from my usual routine to attend that training. Tutor was excellent and there was never a dull moment throughout the session. He gave lots of information few some were useful,some were funny and some were thought provoking.

Few things which got into my mind today

-->While communicating to person you have to grab their attention in the first 15 seconds.

-->What is great about Indian culture ,no where in the world will a family sacrifice so much for success of their children

-->Our mind is conditioned by parents,teachers,preachers,politicians and press.This conditioning leads to perception which forms our attitude.

-->From Zig Ziglar's quote ,time spent in traffic jams over two years is eqvivalent to time spent in getting master s degree, we can effectively utilise this time listening something informative or reading something useful.

-->In the dinner table normal people discuss about other people, educated people discuss about events,extraordinary people dicuss new ideas.Successful family model, work as father ,integrity as mother.

-->ZZ again you cant consistently perform in a manner that is inconsitent with what you feel yourself.

-->Three things makes a man successful.
a)Dream-->Consists of vision,mission,goals and a action plan
b)Theme-->Passion for what you do(putting heart into it)
c)Team--->Which makes things happen

-->Marry a person who aligns with your goal,shares your vision and accepts you for what you are.

-->Stepen covey quote,proactivity is a stimulus response mechanism,well thought expected reaction.If you understand proactivity fully your effectiveness improves by 5000%.

-->Edmund Hillary's comment when he failed to climb Mount Everest for third time.
'You defeated me! But you won't defeat me again! Because you have grown all you can grow ... but I am still growing!' . Next time he was successful

So learning doesn't end but its a continuous process.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today s treat!

My cousin gave her birthday treat today, we went to a new restaurant which opened just around the corner of our house. Restaurant name was 'Dosa Calling' and menu had more than fifty varieties of Dosa ranging from common varieties to adai,kambu,cholam,mushroom,panner etc.

One of the troubles taking my grand mother to restaurant is that she compares everything which is served and ask a question whether this food is worth than what she cooks.Worse when she sees the price in the right hand side we should protect her from having heart attack.I consoled her to try those new varieties and make it for me sometime later at home. My grandpa on the other hand went on to a eating spree,enjoying himself by trying new varieties,in the end had trouble walking back home with his stomach full.

I liked the restaurant for its ambience,varities it provides and quality of food.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wonderful quote!!!

I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold service was joy.

Rabindranath Tagore

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Caught in the middle of a ritual!

Whenever I go for a ride in Chennai city I take care my timings are perfect to dodge the traffic. I usually choose early mornings, afternoon or late night to go out. Today everything was going as planned but when I was returning back home after half past nine I got caught in traffic.When I was inching forward I noticed that the jam was due to idol procession on the road.

Bringing idols to the road has become a mere ritual these days,there are hardly any people on the road noticing it,more of an inconvenience to the people.Its pathetic to the see idol pulled by bullock cart sans bullocks pushed by two people at back and some two other acting as escorts.May be we should consider these four people are protecting the culture and tradition of our country. I remember the old days whenever there was an idol procession people living in each houses in that street used to come out and pay their respect. Now when there are no people coming out why it bring out the idol, embarrass it when no one is giving a damn for it.

At least next time if they use a open jeep rather a bullock cart the procession can move quickly via the places where its not necessary.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Let make this world cleaner ,greener!

Today is World Environment day , time to think what have we done to protect our mother earth from the clutches of . World can be better place if we make small small adjustments in our day to day life.
Few things we can follow
1)Judicious use of paper:
It takes one tree's life to make 2000 sheets of paper, never use paper(including tissue paper) unless its really necessary.
2)Use of plastic:
Never use plastic bags,carry a bag instead. Same with the case of drinking water ,carry a bottle of water instead of getting bottles or packets every time.
3)Use of electricity:
Unnecessary wastage of power should be avoided. Encourage use of CFC lights which emit lesser amount of green house gas.
4)Use of fuel:
There are few things which have to save for our next generation, fossils fuels are first in the list. Walk the places which are nearby.
5)Water :
The elixir of life we need to take care not to pollute water ,which forms more than 70% of earth.
There are many more things which we can do but journey of thousand miles start with a single step. Small things make a huge difference,we can really do our bit to protect our earth and be proud of it!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Reunion at an engagement

Today I attended my friend's sis engagment. We were known to each other from Cochin days and all my cochin roommates had come to the occasion.
Engagment was in Triplicane in a mandapam to which I know the route.But when I was just 500m meters from the place I found all the narrow lanes where jam packed with vechicles,people cows and buffoloos.It took more than circus bikers effort to come out of the traffic and reach the destination safely.
It was reunion of my former room mates ,talk went on by pulling each others legs.
We were the noisy gang in that place.After that we had awesome dinner idiappam,romali roti panner butter masala,rasamalai etc. It was past 10pm when I left and was a wonderful ride back home. I dropped my friend at Mambalam which was packed with traffic even at late hours.Managed to reach home by eleven.
Long day but a happy one!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

what is priceless ???

I like the master card ad with the catchy tag line 'there are somethings which money can't buy for everything else there is mastercard'.

My life now days in same terms, getting a good coffee at coffee day 50 bucks,buffet at Taj 1000 bucks, wonderful dessert to end with 100 bucks. Getting grand ma s food everyday ,Priceless!!!

Its been more than 5 months I have come to Chennai ,compared to Cochin where there was less traffic,less travel time,bachelors freedom,more personal time, wonderful weather etc. Life here is hectic but one thing which compensates all is the personal care from my grand mother.Everyday she used to pack me fruit box,lunch box and snack box. Even when I was in school I never used to carry these many boxes. Apart from that when I used to leave early morning there will be a cup of cornflakes and oats ready on the table.Not to mention the night dinner which will be special since I m taking that in home.

Money can get your stomach filled but getting served with love and care, Pricless!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Book I read...

I got Six suspects by Vikas Swarup from the local library ,author of Q&A(popularly known as Slumdog Millionaire). Once again Vikas proved his extraordinary story telling which never makes you to keep the novel down.

One good thing about Indian authors is we can easily connect to what they are conveying,few words phrases can be cherished only if you are Indian.And coming back to the novel its about a murder and they have six suspects a politician,thief,actress,tribal,govt Officer and an foreigner. Each have their own story and it takes quality time and effort to complete that novel without any loose ends.
Hats Off to Vikas ,hope this will also be taken as movie!