Saturday, June 6, 2009

Caught in the middle of a ritual!

Whenever I go for a ride in Chennai city I take care my timings are perfect to dodge the traffic. I usually choose early mornings, afternoon or late night to go out. Today everything was going as planned but when I was returning back home after half past nine I got caught in traffic.When I was inching forward I noticed that the jam was due to idol procession on the road.

Bringing idols to the road has become a mere ritual these days,there are hardly any people on the road noticing it,more of an inconvenience to the people.Its pathetic to the see idol pulled by bullock cart sans bullocks pushed by two people at back and some two other acting as escorts.May be we should consider these four people are protecting the culture and tradition of our country. I remember the old days whenever there was an idol procession people living in each houses in that street used to come out and pay their respect. Now when there are no people coming out why it bring out the idol, embarrass it when no one is giving a damn for it.

At least next time if they use a open jeep rather a bullock cart the procession can move quickly via the places where its not necessary.

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