Saturday, June 13, 2009

Movie I saw..

I watched 'Diarios de motocicleta' (motor cycle diaries),this is about the famous bike ride which Che Guevara took during the early 1950's covering more than 10000km in the span of over six months through the deserted and populated lands of South America.

What started as a journey to celebrate his friend's 30th birthday at Venezuela, eventually had a deep impact on his life. He meets different people across the different countries subjected to injustice ,poverty,hunger,denied access to basic hospital facilities. Those are called moments of truth when you actually meet common people on the way and check how the country is treating them.The movie comes with a apt tag line 'Before he changed the world, the world changed him '.

When we see a foreign language movie(Spanish) other things which makes us involved are photography and background music which were both excellent.Landscapes of South America makes us wonder whether we still have a beautiful world out there.Actually it won Oscar for its music.Gael Garcia Bernal who acted as Che has given a stunning performance,actually lived like Che looking thoughtful ,especially his body language being an asthma patient.

This is not a movie for entertainment but more of a thought provoking one.

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