Friday, June 5, 2009

Let make this world cleaner ,greener!

Today is World Environment day , time to think what have we done to protect our mother earth from the clutches of . World can be better place if we make small small adjustments in our day to day life.
Few things we can follow
1)Judicious use of paper:
It takes one tree's life to make 2000 sheets of paper, never use paper(including tissue paper) unless its really necessary.
2)Use of plastic:
Never use plastic bags,carry a bag instead. Same with the case of drinking water ,carry a bottle of water instead of getting bottles or packets every time.
3)Use of electricity:
Unnecessary wastage of power should be avoided. Encourage use of CFC lights which emit lesser amount of green house gas.
4)Use of fuel:
There are few things which have to save for our next generation, fossils fuels are first in the list. Walk the places which are nearby.
5)Water :
The elixir of life we need to take care not to pollute water ,which forms more than 70% of earth.
There are many more things which we can do but journey of thousand miles start with a single step. Small things make a huge difference,we can really do our bit to protect our earth and be proud of it!

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