Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I miss in Chennai life!!!

Having been to Cochin for the weekend ,I realised how easy life has been when I had been there. There are few things which I miss after coming to Chennai
They are
1)Bike rides to office:
It always better to goto office using our own commute,it gives flexibility you can go anytime and come anytime.Here if I m just few minutes late I have to run a 100m race to catch the bus or if I have little more work had to wait 3 hours to catch the late bus.
2)Morning sleep:
I had never seen sun rise at Cochin all the while I had been there.Getting up late is a lovely pleasure one can have.
I wont say I m really missing it but self cooking experiments are always fun and that too when gang of people come to eat it.
No comments ,I m drained in this heat.
I had lot of personal time sometimes long enough leaving me jobless, here personal times are restricted to the time I travel in bus.


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