Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wii Experience!!!

Two months ago when I took my nephew's to Satyam ,I played few games in Wii. That was different experience,first time I was sweating playing a video game. All the more when two players were pitted against each other it became lot more interesting.
When I was chating with my loving Brother regarding this experience ,he volountarily agreed to send me one. He sent it to my uncle who delivered it to me last weekend.
Unpacking the stuff itself gave me immense pleasure and I was caught unaware of what is what until my uncle's son helped me out in figuring to connect it perfectly.
Then we started playing few games it ,from minutes it went to hours. It is a good time pass but I started feeling pain in my shoulder next day.
This is one more toy added to my kitty to attract respect from my nephws and cousins :)

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