Sunday, June 28, 2009

~~Fined for Illegal download~~

Last week I read a news about a woman who was fined whooping 1.9 million dollars for downloading 24 songs from the net. Reason she has illegally downloaded from a website,around 80000$ for a song.

In most of the countries people dont know what is legal or illegal download ,when data is available free on net why will one think before fetching it. Its like punishing the cat for drinking the milk just because it found a monkey which gives free milk. But the monkey is stealing the milk from the cows. Cows are happy this cat cant drink their milk anymore but monkey finds different place and different cat, still steal the same milk.

This may be a judgement to frighten people from abstaining from illegal download but in this free world if will be difficult to impose restrictions on what people should see, hear or download.

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