Monday, June 29, 2009

My bad hair day

There will few days where in which nothing right happens from the begining. Today is one such day for me.
I didnt have any Monday morning blues since the weekend was well spent in office,but I got little bit late for my bus,so had to run my 100m dash to catch the bus on time ,once in the bus I realised I missed to take my mobile. Also I forgot to take a book , since I have never been without these two it was like I lost both my hands.
Once in office I there was some issue in my project ,so my lead was cross with me,it took some to get hand over the stuff.
For lunch I opened my tiffen box my grandma packed wonderful idlies but alas she forgot to pack chutney with that.
Then evening when I supposed to leave there some other issues which I had to take care, in the end reached home around 10.

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