Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Things got into my mind

Its more than a year I have attended any sort of trainings in my company, to end this dry run I enrolled for an empowerment training two weeks back. Today I got a day off from my usual routine to attend that training. Tutor was excellent and there was never a dull moment throughout the session. He gave lots of information few some were useful,some were funny and some were thought provoking.

Few things which got into my mind today

-->While communicating to person you have to grab their attention in the first 15 seconds.

-->What is great about Indian culture ,no where in the world will a family sacrifice so much for success of their children

-->Our mind is conditioned by parents,teachers,preachers,politicians and press.This conditioning leads to perception which forms our attitude.

-->From Zig Ziglar's quote ,time spent in traffic jams over two years is eqvivalent to time spent in getting master s degree, we can effectively utilise this time listening something informative or reading something useful.

-->In the dinner table normal people discuss about other people, educated people discuss about events,extraordinary people dicuss new ideas.Successful family model, work as father ,integrity as mother.

-->ZZ again you cant consistently perform in a manner that is inconsitent with what you feel yourself.

-->Three things makes a man successful.
a)Dream-->Consists of vision,mission,goals and a action plan
b)Theme-->Passion for what you do(putting heart into it)
c)Team--->Which makes things happen

-->Marry a person who aligns with your goal,shares your vision and accepts you for what you are.

-->Stepen covey quote,proactivity is a stimulus response mechanism,well thought expected reaction.If you understand proactivity fully your effectiveness improves by 5000%.

-->Edmund Hillary's comment when he failed to climb Mount Everest for third time.
'You defeated me! But you won't defeat me again! Because you have grown all you can grow ... but I am still growing!' . Next time he was successful

So learning doesn't end but its a continuous process.

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