Tuesday, June 2, 2009

what is priceless ???

I like the master card ad with the catchy tag line 'there are somethings which money can't buy for everything else there is mastercard'.

My life now days in same terms, getting a good coffee at coffee day 50 bucks,buffet at Taj 1000 bucks, wonderful dessert to end with 100 bucks. Getting grand ma s food everyday ,Priceless!!!

Its been more than 5 months I have come to Chennai ,compared to Cochin where there was less traffic,less travel time,bachelors freedom,more personal time, wonderful weather etc. Life here is hectic but one thing which compensates all is the personal care from my grand mother.Everyday she used to pack me fruit box,lunch box and snack box. Even when I was in school I never used to carry these many boxes. Apart from that when I used to leave early morning there will be a cup of cornflakes and oats ready on the table.Not to mention the night dinner which will be special since I m taking that in home.

Money can get your stomach filled but getting served with love and care, Pricless!!!

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