Saturday, October 30, 2010

~~Movies I watched~~

This weekend came to Diana Ganesh's house for the weekend after finishing the mid terms. Finally I had time to see a movie inspite of my busy schedule. We watched Boss aka Baskaran and laughed all the way throughout the movie. After a long time I saw a tamil movie which was funny from begining to end. Good start for the weekend

Friday, October 29, 2010

~~Dressing up for an event~~

Everyday when I goto college I just pick a t shirt on the top and wear the usual jean. So when a consulting firm called up for an informal interview I thought of dressing up formally. It took some fifteen minutes to get ready and goto college. When I reached college reaction was more than what I expected ,I lost lost count how many people turned their heads to look at me and there comments like "You are smart","You are looking handsome" etc.

After finishing my exams one of my classmates asked me "you have dressed up for the occasion, want to come to a place with me".When a girl asks me out how can I say no.It was for a networking event in a top equity research firm.One good thing about these events are we can get free food and drinks but main thing is to talk with people and see whether we like their job.Usually since my classes are at evening I never had time to attend such a kind of events but yesterday was different.

Once there I started talking with a director of one of the divisions ,she was in charge of the agriculture division and telling how she is everyday like from reading everyday news, weather accross and farm production and see how stock prices rise in those commodities.It was interesting to listen to their experiences. But only thing which we need to commit working there is to put 70 hours per week.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Joke about Economists I came accross

A mathematician, an accountant and an economist apply for the same job.

The interviewer calls in the mathematician and asks "What do two plus two equal?" The mathematician replies "Four." The interviewer asks "Four, exactly?" The mathematician looks at the interviewer incredulously and says "Yes, four, exactly."

Then the interviewer calls in the accountant and asks the same question "What do two plus two equal?" The accountant says "On average, four - give or take ten percent, but on average, four."

Then the interviewer calls in the economist and poses the same question "What do two plus two equal?" The economist gets up, locks the door, closes the shade, sits down next to the interviewer and says, "What do you want it to equal"?

Monday, October 25, 2010

~~Reading Economist~~

I always think I should read Economist magazine and have a link for it in my favourites too but never had the inclination to go into the site. Most of the time I am contented reading New York Times as it updates news more frequently than any other news site.

In today's exam a brief from this article was given and we were asked to comment on what China should do. (a 30 mark question)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

~~Trip to Jackson Heights~~

Finally I was able to finish off 4 pound(1.89kg) rice packet which Ganesh bought for me during end of June. So when my room mate asked me whether I am interested to goto Jackson heights with him ,I agreed to go with him to refill stuffs and also to have good lunch at an restaurant.

As usual we got up late and by the time we reached for lunch it was almost 3.We stopped at a south Indian restaurant and I had Idly, vadai and dosa(choice of the restaurant was my room mates not mine as he wanted to eat dosa). Jackson heights is in queens and its yet another place in NYC where you will feel home.The streets will be filled with Indian people and hawkers calling us to get stuffs,cars honking the alley while they pass through the crowded street.

Then we went to the Indian grocery store there were lots of ready made stuffs available but I was never interested to pick anything as it required atleast 5 minutes of cooking.So I just picked up a ponni rice packet and 2 mintue noodles packet back home. I think this rice packet will come all the winter!

Friday, October 22, 2010

~~Exam today~~

Our mid term exams began in middle of this week and will go until mid of next week. Can you guess what is that sheet below? yupp its the bit paper I carried to the exam hall. Our professor knowing that how our performance will be, allowed us to carry a cheat sheet where we can write anything and take to the exam hall. So normally I used to spend 2 hours before the exam brushing up things but today I took care I write stuffs in that time.I wrote on the back page too!

Exam started well as everything from the bit was transferred to the main paper.As usual there was one question that I forgot to copy in that bit and didn't know what was asked,again our kind professor came to rescue told that we can skip one question and I gladly skipped that:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I m not a fan of going to Gym to burn calories ! I always believe exercise should be part of your life like walking or swimming not go a place and strain yourself.

Here is a study

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

~~I'm Studying sincerely~~

Many of my friends and relatives who are reading my blog are never believing I'm studying. So I thought its high time I add a proof . Look below this is one of the methods I used to study!

Its called "Method of studying using the principles of gravity"

Monday, October 18, 2010

~~Meeting my friend~~

I met my friend,Rebecca who is working as a HR in my former company for lunch.She had come with her husband to visit her sister who is working in NYC.

Flashback: year was 2009,when I was working hard for my company! I used to get up at 5 30 am,YEA 5:30AM! only when I get up that time I can get ready in time to catch my bus at 6 30. If one misses it then we have to use public transport or a late bus which will reach office only by noon and he/she will be roasted by then. So catching the bus in the morning was a crucial factor in my day to day life. I used to catch the bus at Secretariet colony and Rebecca used to catch at Mummy daddy,the next stop.So when I get in the bus I used to alert her sending a message about the arrival of bus. If I miss the bus she used to stop the bus for me or if she is late I make sure that bus never leaves mummy daddy without picking her.

Apart from this usual ritual we used to chat a lots of stuffs from books,food,movies and the one I like the most are her day to day HR issues which she deals with the unmanageable IT crowd.Those conversations would be the perfect start for the day.One thing I miss after coming to US are those morning bus journies :)

Most importantly when I told her I m going to US she advised me to have a makeover which resulted in taking my moushtache off which got me a positive feedback from many people.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

~~Awesome dinner~~

Nithin's(my friend) parents were in the city today.They were staying at one of their relatives place. I asked what was their plan and they said they are going to Empire State building and liberty statue.Since I have seen both of it,I thought it was better to meet them for dinner. I reached their place around 8. After talking for a while we went to have dinner. It was really a special dinner with vathakuzhambu,rasam,cauliflower fry and beans parupu usili. After having that dinner I from east end of Manhattan to west end to catch the train and come back home.

I really liked the review of this tamil movie

Saturday, October 16, 2010

~~Links I liked~~

Every weekend New York metro will do some maintenance work and stop few train services and alter others. We will come to know reading a poster pasted in the station. this is one funny picture mocking their service

I liked this link also which takes us to any place in world we want. try it and tell me where you got teleported!

Friday, October 15, 2010

~~My classmates~~

Today we had an information session along with pizza , finished with a group photo to end the meeting

Thursday, October 14, 2010

~~Spicy stuff for dinner~~

Since I usually have good home made dinner I never had the need to buy any fast food stuffs or ready to eat stuffs from the shop. Yesterday while coming from school Hyung and me went to a department store since he needed to purchase few stuffs.He told me try the Paldo noodles which is from and famous in Korea. There was two chilli picture mentioning that it will be spicy.Since it was a very long time I had noodles I grabbed a packet home.

It was very easy to make this one just boil the water hot and then pour it on the noodles before adding the taste maker in that.I waited for few minutes and tasted the soup portion first ,it was super hot and spicy.After coming to US there were two times when I had tasted something super spicy. Once in a Chinese restaurant I dipped my roasted baby corn into wassabi sauce thinking that was mint chutney and once in a Mexican restaurant had a competition with my classmate who eats the nachos with maximum jalapeno sauce.But these two stuffs were one time tasters so drank a lot of water after that.But today i had to eat the whole Paldo noodles which was also boiling hot making it more spicy. Before I was done water started pouring from nose and eyes and it gave me a satisfaction of having an Andra meal.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

~~Wonderful performance by Indian runners~~

It was an awesome performance by Indian women in 4*400 relay in CWG, especially the third runner gaining a lot of momentum and making a huge impact. Also never seen a huge Indian crowd cheering the runners!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

~~How to be happy~~

With six subjects this semester our weekdays are filled with assignments, classes,readings projects, etc. Its kind of good keeping you occupied most of the time.
One of my class mate asked me today

"How come you are always happy?" I asked is there anything wrong with it !

No no how you are able to sustain it?
I replied I enjoy life at the moment not worry about past or future.

What you do when you get problems?
I said I dont see problems as problems but think what is the solution for the problem.

How were my replies ;)

Monday, October 11, 2010

~~Quote I liked~~

"Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backwards"
-Søren Kierkegaard

Sunday, October 10, 2010

~~Walk along the river side drive~~

NYC is one of the few places in US where people still walk. If you love walking then its a walkers paradise. My apartment is located just 100 meters from the river Hudson and when I get bored or had nothing else to do on a weekend I used take a take a walk along the river. There are two ways to take this walk one inside the park and other on the side of the river ,so while going in I will take the route via the river and while coming back I used to take route via the park.

The good thing about the walkway is that when you enter in the riverside there is no exit until 1.5 miles away,so its total of 3 miles to and fro .Its a wonderful time pass looking at birds,people with a pleasant breeze from the river.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

~~10-10-10--great escape~~

If I was in India this should have been my D-day but thank God I m in NYC. Its really great to be in big apple enjoying life! I think its better to write assignments and take exams at least now :)

~~Visit to post office & library~~

I had to send checks to few of my friends,so the first thing I did was to transfer few cash into the current account and went to nearby post office to buy stamps and envelopes. When I was in the post office I saw an advertisement encouraging people to buy history stamps and funny stamps. I had little idea about what will be history stamps ,so when reached the counter I asked for funny stamps and got the below sheet.

There is a New York public library near my house.Since my college library is huge and extensive I never had the need to go there. But today since I was little bit free I decided to check out.Even though it was small it had some decent collection. I became a member and borrowed a book back home.

Friday, October 8, 2010

~~Pic for the day~~

This was taken at the modern at section in Metropoltian Museum of Arts(MoMA) two weeks back!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

~~Time Travel Tag~~

As per Sheila's request doing this tag and I really enjoyed it!

Time Travel Tag

Emily's Rules:

1. Depending on your age, go back 10, 15, 20, or even more years.
2. Tell us how many years back you have travelled and why.
3. Pretend you have met yourself during that era, and tell us where you are.
4. You only have one "date" with this former self.
5. Answer these questions.

Q 1. Okay, as we start, what period is it and how old are you?
A. I will go back to the year 1997 when I was in eight standard.
Why ? That was the year when my YYS watched P.Chidambaram then finance minister of India unveiled the dream budget for India which paved way economic reforms in the country. Though I didn't understand what that budget meant to India at that time ,it was during those days I started liking to be economics and wanted to be one.

Q 2. Would your younger self (YYS, from here) recognize you when you first meet?
A. Since I m still younger , my YYS will definitely recognise me !
YYS: I never know I had a twin brother!
Me :yea buddy being happy and making others happy keeps you young and fit.

Q 3 . Would YYS be surprised to discover what you are doing job wise?
A. YYS: innumma nee paduchutu irruka ? enna maari innum vetti payal aa than irrukiyaa
He wouldn't believe that I m studying now.

Q 4. What piece of fashion advice would you give YYS?
A. YYS: Why people always look at me, is that anything to do with my dressing style?
Me: buddy people look at you not not because of your dress ,remember whatever dress you wear it will be looking good on you and get used to the stares you get all the way you grow up!

Q 5. What do you think YYS is most going to want to know?
A. I like him to ask "What good thing you did to change the world in to a better place "
but actually he will ask "Did you have any girl friend or met any girl ?"

Q 6 . How would you answer YYS's question?
A. Will say to him I still younger too early to find one ;)

Q 7 . What would probably be the best thing to tell YYS?
A. Don't study too much and waste your time ! you will never know how much time you are going to waste studying useless stuff in the coming days ;)
(Maybe I spoiled him that time itself :) )
Q 8. What is something that you probably wouldn't tell YYS?
A. It will take 13 more years to study what you really liked!
It wouldn't have made any difference as YYS(even present self) used to enjoy the life at that moment and not worry about the future!

Q 9. What do you think will most surprise YYS about you?
A. He would be wondering how the hell did I manage to get into an Ivy league college. He would be really proud that I am doing what he dreamed to do!

Q 10. What do you think will least surprise YYS?
A. He wouldn't be surprised to see me still enjoying life as he used to do ,getting updates of his friends at that time and how I still manage to keep in touch with them.

Q 11. At this point in your life, would YYS like to run into "you" from the future?
A. Maybe next year because even my present self dont know what I am going to do next year.

My tag , I would like Krishna to continue this tag,as his last post was talking about his younger self.

~~About NYC~~

There was a article I read about cities for young graduates and this is what its said about New York.

New York, N.Y.

Cost-of-living index: 218 (Manhattan), 179 (Brooklyn), 158 (Queens)
Median monthly rent: $1,025 (average is $819)
Average annual wage: $50,784
Unemployment rate: 9.4%
Percentage of Gen Y residents: 21.9%
Top industries (New York does not release specific employer statistics): General medical and surgical hospitals, individual and family services, restaurants, securities and commodities contracts, legal services

There's no place for recent graduates quite like the Big Apple: the job prospects are exceptional and the culture and nightlife are without parallel. Yes, it's tough to live here. The cost-of-living is the highest in the continental U.S. Conveniences most Americans take for granted don't exist here, like places to park a car. Fortunately, however, there are still areas of the city where young professionals can eke out a living and the money you save on rent in Hoboken will help ease the stigma of being a "B&Ter" (bridge-and-tunneler - someone who works and spends time in Manhattan, but actually lives elsewhere).

PROS: Incomparable job opportunities, an extensive mass transportation system that makes car-owning superfluous and allows young adults to live well outside the city.

CONS: Expensive, sometimes ridiculously so. But hey, if you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~~Visit to Cloisters~~

Apart from having wonderful time in Tryon park during the medieval festival I took time to visit the Clositers museum situated in the middle of the park. It has collections of art and artifacts from medieval Europe. Entry ticket into the museum is $20 but for students like me its free!

The above collage consists of a book from 14th century,beautiful scriptures carved out of marbles,playing cards used in those days,a coffin for the kings and one wonderful painting. Though its not as large as the MoMA of NYC its worth a visit if you are a student!

~~What a Match~~

What a match it was ,going on till the wire . I hoped against hope that India will score 100 run with two wickets in hand. I decided to stay awake till the match ends and its was really worth waiting!

During the final moments with all the websites down I had to depend on Ashwin who called from Australia over the phone to give updates .

Its really a very very special innings from Laxman.

Monday, October 4, 2010

~~Rain Rain Rain~~

Over this weekend as Sheila suggested I got a golf umbrella for $5 in a shop near our place

Given the above weather conditions I think I will be using that for the whole week!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

~~Visit to Medieval Festival~~

In upper Manhattan we have serene park named Fort Tryon famous for its Cloisters museum which has the artifacts from medieval Europe. For the past 26 years they are conducting a festival known as medieval festival. Many people take this occasion to dress up in medieval style and come to the park. Lots of events will be taking place in the park throughout the day.

When I found about this festival from a flyer I decided to go at that instant. Around noon I took the subway,there were few girls dressed up in the medieval dress in the train so I was eagerly looking forward for the main event.I reached the park within 20 minutes and took a brief walk to the park. The park was crowded with lots of people, there were shops at either side of the pathway showcasing the medieval tools,dresses,toys,books etc. There were mini stages in which few people were demonstrating. There were plays like Robin hood, Knights of Avalon etc. Also there were few musical plays played on old instruments which were wonderful to listen.

Coming to the main part, there were lots and lots of beautiful girls dressed up wonderfully which was a treat to the eyes. It was fun talking with few of them ,I asked a one girl what dress was that, she replied that was Harry potter's Gryffindors teams dress,one dressed as snow white, other was like a fairy and lot more different characters which was really colorful. I took time to appriciating each and every one them . It was a good time pass.

Finally left the park by evening with a contended feeling for making the day useful!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

~~Hitting the pool~~

Our college has a wonderful indoor swimming pool and given the busy schedule I never had time to use it. My mama had got me swimming trunks last time he visited NYC and it was slight motivation to hit the pool one day or rather. Yesterday Hyung called me and asked whether I wanted to goto swimming I readily said yes and we decided to go by evening seven.

I headed to pool by evening met hyung and went to the locker room to change.These I found that my trunks were little loose and the nada in the trunk was not an actual nada but just sticked on it for name sake. It was more like a pattapatti drawer than a swimming trunk.Anyways I didnt want to return back after coming this far. I went to the pool and took a jump in the water and at the same instant the trunk went down by few inches,so my hands instead of swimming went down to pull the trunk up. Being a mixed pool I never dared to jump or dive again.

Usually when I goto a swimming pool I would spend most of the time in the water like a water Buffalo than swimming across the pool. Since people there were seriously swimming I too began to take gentle laps such that the force of my movement doesn't affect my trunks. After taking 5 laps with 5 minutes break between each laps I decided its enough for the day. After that Hyung took me to a korean restaurant and got me spicy Korean noodles which tasted yummy after the workout.

~~My Breakfast~~

Saturdays are the best day of the week and since my cook delivers food only by noon I usually get up that time. Today it was two new dishes I dont know what they were but tasted delicious.

can you people help me out naming these dishes ?

Friday, October 1, 2010

~~Disadvantages of war~~

Any economist will tell that going for a war is calling for a economic disaster. Cost of which is very huge and it pushes the country back in terms of economic growth. Many African nations are still having troubles with their internal civil war and their countries have never had a chance to come out of it.

One of professor told that Iraq war is the worst possible thing can happen to US economy, when China and India were investing billions in their infrastructure ,US is burning money which can be easily spent to push up the reeling economy.