Saturday, October 2, 2010

~~Hitting the pool~~

Our college has a wonderful indoor swimming pool and given the busy schedule I never had time to use it. My mama had got me swimming trunks last time he visited NYC and it was slight motivation to hit the pool one day or rather. Yesterday Hyung called me and asked whether I wanted to goto swimming I readily said yes and we decided to go by evening seven.

I headed to pool by evening met hyung and went to the locker room to change.These I found that my trunks were little loose and the nada in the trunk was not an actual nada but just sticked on it for name sake. It was more like a pattapatti drawer than a swimming trunk.Anyways I didnt want to return back after coming this far. I went to the pool and took a jump in the water and at the same instant the trunk went down by few inches,so my hands instead of swimming went down to pull the trunk up. Being a mixed pool I never dared to jump or dive again.

Usually when I goto a swimming pool I would spend most of the time in the water like a water Buffalo than swimming across the pool. Since people there were seriously swimming I too began to take gentle laps such that the force of my movement doesn't affect my trunks. After taking 5 laps with 5 minutes break between each laps I decided its enough for the day. After that Hyung took me to a korean restaurant and got me spicy Korean noodles which tasted yummy after the workout.