Friday, May 28, 2010

~~Response for final day mail~~

Its always a wonderful feeling to type the last day mails,one day all the people will wish and respond back. I took my time to type my last day mail a simple and short one. Here it goes

Dear Friends

This is my last day here. I cant believe its been more than four and half years I have started my career as fresher in the same company. I don't remember all the coding I have done, neither the documents I have prepared nor counted how many hours I have logged to work. But I always remember the wonderful moments interacting with you people,its you who have made my journey here memorable and wonderful.

I have decided to pursue my masters in public management.You can reach me at my personal ID... Do keep in touch.

with love

There were lots of responses from simple wishes to sentimental responses. The best one was from my team mate who took over from me when I left Cochin!here it goes..


What you said is exactly true. You will never be able to remember about any work stuff you did because you didn't do anything. :-)

But I am most certain that i am very much lucky to get you as a mentor. Otherwise I would have been a guy who worries about the code, docs and what people think of the work i am doin. But instead you turned me into a guy who don't care about the code, docs or work at all. I am caring about the big things in my life like family, friends and most importantly how to enjoy life :-)

I am not gonna like the company without Sriram. But I assure you that i will continue what you have started. Creating Chaos!!!!

Will miss you buddy and you can count on me to keep in touch. All the best for ur adventures in the city that never sleeps.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

~~My last project~~

I never knew working in my last project would bring a change in my career, I still remember the first day in the project in the beginning of Jan 2009 when I got a transfer from Cochin to Chennai,it was long journey from my home to office ,meeting new people,new team,learning new stuffs were all good memories. More than the time spent in the office I do have a feeling I have spent even more time during the bus journeys.

One should be lucky enough to have good project lead,wonderful team mates and an understanding client.Its always a pleasure to work under such an atmosphere.I had all the three in my final project..I have gained a lot of knowledge in this project more than the work I do ,it was the work done by clients around the globe which interested me.I was well contented working there but fate had other plans.It was during one of the weekend support days in office ,I was checking few of my client's webpages and I came across a course offered in Columbia university. The more I did research about the course the more I liked it.Finally I decided to just apply for it without thinking about the end result.

Now I'm in my last few days of my first job just waiting for few formalities to be done.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

~~Memories:Wearing helmet helps~~

I usually wear a helmet while driving a bike, no matter whether I go for a short ride or a long drive. Main reason was, in Cochin I was terrified of the local red town buses which never care on whose going on the road, even though the helmet would be of a little help when hit by them, it acted as a good sound proof material against their blatant horns.

On a fine day during early 2008 I was on the way to office driving around 40km/hr, a tempo was travelling at the same speed at some 10 feet distance in front of me. Sudddenly down in a slope ,out of the blue that tempo driver applied brakes and turned 180 degrees at a place where there is no turning which completely caught me by surprise. Even though I tried applying brakes it was too late my bike jammed directly on to the tempo's left side door and my head protected by the helmet was the first to get hit the tempo with the maximum impact.Front wheel of the bike got bent,the doom and the headlights were crashed into pieces.

In the mean time a small crowd gathered. I took out the helmet and saw the visor got cracked right in the middle,I was searching whether something happened to my body and found as usual I escaped scratch free. One nice man got me a bottle of soda which I managed to gulp down.I saw the bike in pretty bad condition to my surprise the tempo driver accepted his mistake and volunatarily agreed to pay for the damages which I politely refused but he insisted on sharing it 50-50,it took more than 1k to get the bike back to normal.

So if there wasn't a helmet worn on that day it wouldn't have been the visor which would have got cracked!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

~~Memories:Trip to PL's house~~

I had a wonderful PL when I moved to Cochin.She once invited myself and Raj to her house in Kayankulam. That trip was memorable for many reasons, the best was the visit to her cousin's place to see new born puppies.

PS: On looking at these pics now I realise how hard those puppies trying to get away from my grip :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

~~Memories:Nepali cook~~

One of the main thing is our life is to eat good food and at the right time too.When I moved in to Cochin one thing I found difficult was quality time to cook.First we tried hiring a mallu cook but things didnt work out well as her style of cooking didn't suit our tastes,she used to make sambhar which tasted like rasam and times she used to make moor kuzhambu which we always hated to eat after a day long's work.Finally we could no longer take it and we stopped her.

In the mean time we started self cook for some time.We had a room mate Harish from Bangalore a innocent guy who didn't know ABCD of cooking, one day he came home early and we asked him to keep rice he could have said he didn't know how but our sir put two bowls of rice in empty cooker,closed it put it on in stove.When we entered the house we smelt the pungent smell all around and when opened the cooker we found the rice turned black and completely got struck into the cooker and it took two days to clean the cooker alone and a weeks time for the smell to go away.Then we decided it enough and its right time to look for different options, our friend suggested about hiring a nepali cook.

When I first saw Lal,the Nepali cook, he was looking like a school kid not more than 20 years old,though we didn't share a common language I communicated what all stuffs he needs to do. And off he went to action with some 20 mintues he made some 30 rotis and in another 20 mintues he was done with aloo sabji. It tasted like amirtham for our dead tongues.He was hired on spot and he agreed to come on morning as well as evening. Thus our quest for good food in Kerala got solved. Everyday in the morning he used to make rotis before we get up and in the evenings he used to make rice and dhal which would be ready by the time we come home. Weekends would be special he used to make Aloo parathas,pulav etc such that we never missed our home.

When I got up one morning I saw Lal has made some green color chutney for rotis, thought it was mint chutney ,when I had a bite of it my entire mouth was burning.Then I realised the whole chutney was made of green chillis.It was our duty to get vegetable for Lal and we took turns in buying those,this fine time it was Harish's turn to get vegetables he came back home getting half kg of ginger and half kg of green chilli.And thats how Lal ended up making chilli chutney.And for that ginger it came for a months time.

For almost a year we were relishing his cooking and as good things come to end so do his cooking,when we decided to move from the place we had to bid adieu to him also.

Friday, May 21, 2010

~~Memories:My first project~~

After initial training period I saw myself in Trivandrum for my first project, I have already written a post on my first day experience long back. So here we were three guys a Bengali,a Oriya and me a Tamilian destined to work Kerala government project. We had a mallu girl in the team who used to take information is properly transferred.Last but not the least we had a wonderful boss who made us feel home!

( My wonderful room mates Amitava and Debba in Trivandrum)

To tell more about the office,it was a two floor building top two floor had office spaces and ground floor had shops ranging from bakery to saloon shop. After few days of official accommodation we were asked to look out for a house, I asked the tea shop guy for a house and he happily took us to a house in a lane hardly 50 meters away from the office. The owner stayed at ground floor and we were shown the top floor a two bedroom house with a rent when divided by three came to just 3 digit figures. The house had a wonderful balcony which gave a ideal place to chat around.Also the owner had a pomaranian dog which also become our friend for the months we stayed there.We accepted it and moved in the same day infact nothing much to take in expect our suitcases.

(Ashwin our first guest ,you can see our showcase which we tried to decorate)

Going to office those days was always a pleasure, at 9 o clock in the morning I would be the first person to reach office and by the time I leave office at 6 I(apart from my teammate) would be the last one to leave.After two months we bought a stove and few cooking utensils and started our cooking. Mostly in afternoons we used to come home have lunch have a short nap and then go to office. In the evenings we three of us used to talk about different subjects,being from different regions we would always pulling each other states and their people.

Nevertheless we got guests every month,my friends or their friends coming for a weekend to look around the places there. We always used to play good hosts taking them to kovalam beach to enjoy the scenary(!) around. From Cochin to Chennai to Calcutta people came to visit us.

( Yours truely at Kovalam)

But this honeymoon period didn't last long enough,there was a government change in Kerala soon enough and we had to wind up the project and move back. When asked for the best days in my company I would say surely it was these days in Trivandrum!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

~~Meetup at Little Italian~~

My friend Avinash had come down from Bangalore for attending his visa interview, so we thought of planning to meet up in the evening. He suggested Little Italian on Nungambakkam high road a place I haven't been there before.

Two of my other friends Naveen and Ranjini also came there,it was quite an irony that we know each other when we joined in the same company at Cochin and now no one is a part of it.We have come a long way during these years and it showed up in the conversation.We had a good dinner consisting of a pizza,pasta and a wonderful dessert to end it.Highlight at the end of the day was the new car brought by Naveen,Maruthi SX4.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

~~Memories: Learning flute~~

During my days in Cochin there would be lots of time to kill, so after going to many weekend getaways, seeing loads of movies we decided to do something useful.So our gang decided to learn any musical instrument, one of my room mate choose to learn guitar other choose violin and Ashwin went on with flute.Not to be left out from the crowd I choose to learn flute because it doesn't need much investment(60 bucks for a good flute),easy to carry,very easy to maintain and finally I can always piggyback with Ashwin when ever he goes to the class.

In Cochin there is famous school named Kalabhavan which teaches fine arts,many film artists to musicians have been trained there.As we always go for the best we decided to enroll for classes there. On one fine weekend myself and Ashwin went to the place which was full of kids ranging from 5-10 year old. Still not losing our confidence we went on to the office registered for flute class and got our ID cards.Once done we were instructed to goto the class on the second floor.

Once there we found there there were quite a mix of the age group there were kids but we found there was a person in mid 30's and a person in 60's who came to learn the instrument after retirement.This gave me a little courage that I can also blow that instrument easily. Our tutor was a nice guy who said its easily to master the instrument but only thing we need to practise it daily(the only difficult part).

He gave us a flute told us to how to place our hands and how to place it near the mouth .He asked us to blow the air gently from the mouth, at the beginning the sound which came from it was like from a rice cooker and after few minutes of effort I got something like of a milk cooker.I was happy that I could make a sound from the instrument on my own.Then our master asked us to buy flutes from the nearby shop,once there shopkeeper showed us a basket and asked us to pick one from it.As if we are masters in that instrument we started selecting one by one and blowing the air out of it and placing it back saying it was not good.Finally I found one with which I could make some sound from it and immediately took it.Ashwin still not satisfied with any of the pieces left in the shop compromised for the best of the worst thing in that.

From that day onwards we started going to the classes on every weekends,Ashwin being sincere enough used to practise the notes on whatever freetime he got, in his secret place where no one can listen to it.Once our flat manager heard some noise was coming from the 20th floor of our apartment so he went there for inspection, it was around 7pm then.On hearing his footsteps he found that the music(!) got stopped which confirmed him that the place was haunted.Then he freaked out when saw a dark figure emerging from that place.He finally got his life back when he found it was Ashwin who was mastering his flute skills.

It was fun going to classes every weekend,most of the time I used to go there unprepared and embarress myself by playing all possible wrong notes but never once my master lost his temper with me.After four months into the class I was asked to goto Bangalore for taking up a project and I had to stay there for almost 5 months.When I returned back to Cochin,Ashwin went to Sydney for his project.So I was not interested to pursue it alone and thus the world got saved from ME!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

~~Day to relax~~

There are times when chain reaction will spoil your health,it happened me to me that I m right now relaxing at home and writing this blog. Monday evening I has piece of Plum cake,while eating half way itself I should have realized it was not tasting good but the after effects were felt only in the night.As i suffered from indigestion I couldn't sleep properly at night. So I woke up with a pretty bad headache in the morning the next day.

With the climatic change also playing its part when I entered office I could barely sit in the AC room.As the time went of I felt that my body temperature kept on increasing.Given the office is far off from my home I had no other option but to wait for the 4 o clock bus in the evening.By the time I returned home I went directly and crashed in the bed. By 8 visited the doctor and had some light dinner and went back to sleep again. After 12 hours sleep I m back to normal!

The weather is great and I have been advised a proper rest for the day.I m enjoying it relaxing all day long!

Monday, May 17, 2010

~~Memories:My first job~~

It is my last few weeks of my first job, a journey started more than five years ago when I first had the wonderful feeling of having the offer letter in my hand,working at four different places across South India starting from Trivandrum to Cochin to Bangalore to Cochin to Chennai,interacting with different kinds of people across the globe,learnt a lots of stuffs more than the coding skills for which I was hired.Looking back I do feel its an wonderful journey filled with sweet memories.

Lots of things happened during this time, getting my first salary,getting new mobiles,touring places on any holiday we get etc. One thing I will always cherish is the number of friends whom I have made during this course.

There are many things which I wanted to write but I never had time , I will try to pen down few experiences which I will never forget.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

~~Movie I saw~~

Beyond Borders starring Angelina Jolie is based on the life's of aid worker sacrificing their life and time in trying to save people across the world.It gives a brutal view of the places around the world where people are made refugees in their own land have no food to eat,water to drink nor place to stay.

Its in comparison to what Jolie does as a goodwill Ambassodor of UNHCR,the film takes us to the troubled parts of Ethiopia,Combodia and finally to Chechanya.Its a movie good movie to watch but not for the weak hearts.

Friday, May 14, 2010

~~Got this from my friend~~

Joke for the day!

Innocence at its best :

A kid, after being beaten by his mom (sitting sadly)

Dad : What happened son?

Kid : Dad, I cant adjust with your wife anymore!

I want my own wife!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

~~Ratan Tata's gesture to Mumbai victims~~

Got this from Blog,good to read about this great man!

What Ratan Tata did for the Mumbai victims.... what every Indian should know!Share
Ratan Tata is the chairman of Indian Hotels who own the Taj Mahal Hotel Mumbai, which was the target of the terrorists on 26/11/08.

Hotel President a 5 star property also belongs to Indian Hotels.

The following is really touching.

What Ratan Tata did for the Mumbai victims.... Don't miss!!!!!!


A. The Tata Gesture

1. All category of employees including those who had completed even 1 day as casuals were treated on duty during the time the hotel was closed.

2. Relief and assistance to all those who were injured and killed

3. The relief and assistance was extended to all those who died at the railway station, surroundings including the “Pav- Bha ji” vendor and the pan shop owners.

4. During the time the hotel was closed, the salaries were sent by money order.

5. A psychiatric cell was established in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences to counsel those who needed such help.

6. The thoughts and anxieties going on people’s mind was constantly tracked and where needed psychological help provided.

7. Employee outreach centers were opened where all help, food, water, sanitation, first aid and counseling was provided. 1600 employees were covered by this facility.

8. Every employee was assigned to one mentor and it was that person’s responsibility to act as a “single window” clearance for any help that the person required.

9. Ratan Tata personally visited the families of all the 80 employees who in some manner – either through injury or getting killed – were affected.

10. The dependents of the employees were flown from outside Mumbai to Mumbai and taken care off in terms of ensuring mental assurance and peace. They were all accommodated in Hotel President for 3 weeks.

11. Ratan Tata himself asked the families and dependents – as to what they wanted him to do.

12. In a record time of 20 days, a new trust was created by the Tatas for the purpose of relief of employees.

13. What is unique is that even the other people, the railway employees, the police staff, the pedestrians who had nothing to do with Tatas were covered by compensation. Each one of them was provided subsistence allowance of Rs. 10K per month for all these people for 6 months.

14. A 4 year old granddaughter of a vendor got 4 bullets in her and only one was removed in the Government hospital. She was taken to Bombay hospital and several lacs were spent by the Tatas on her to fully recover her.

15. New hand carts were provided to several vendors who lost their carts.

16. Tata will take responsibility of life education of 46 children of the victims of the terror.

17. This was the most trying period in the life of the organization. Senior managers including Ratan Tata were visiting funeral to funeral over the 3 days that were most horrible.

18. The settlement for every deceased member ranged from Rs. 36 to 85 lacs [One lakh rupees tranlates to approx 2200 US $ ] in addition to the following benefits:

a. Full last salary for life for the family and dependents;

b. Complete responsibility of education of children and dependents – anywhere in the world.

c. Full Medical facility for the whole family and dependents for rest of their life.

d. All loans and advances were waived off – irrespective of the amount.

e. Counselor for life for each person

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

~~Anand the world chess champion~~

After 11 rounds in Anand-Tolapov game with the score at 5.5 each ,it was all set for the 12th and final game, the decider. People say that its difficult to win a game with black piece but for Anand it doesn't matter, a person who can come back and snatch victories from jaws of defeat.

Though I didn't follow rest of other rounds, I sat with my uncle for this final one, it was a different experience not like watching cricket or football,we will be predicting what will be his next move and if he does the same we will give a pat on our backs. It was a thrilling game there was a time when Anand was short of a pawn ,then skillfully took the opponents queen for a rook and bishop. Finally Topalov had no where to go and conceed defeat!

Congrats to Anand once again, making India proud yet again!!!

PS: Link to the commentry of the match by Susan Polgar.

~~Our cubicle Decoration~~

When I entered my office on Monday ,most of my team mates were decorating their cubicles. As usual I forgot completely about the contest so my wonderful team members. With my new getup and all my PL said "We asked you to decorate the cubicle not that you should change yourself and come to office".

Since it was not to late ,we(teammates) had a quick brainstorming session on what to decorate.One thing which is common and available at each one's desk is an idol of some deity. So we decided to collect those and within short span we got enough of it to keep it in our place. To add value to our decoration we added two technical books which my teammate used to get from library and to my knowledge never opened it.In the picture below you can see the picture of our decoration.

So we had judges from external team visiting our cubicle and I had to explain the basic theme of our decoration. Thiru my team mate briefed me what to tell about each idols and warned me not to laugh while I m describing the stuffs to the people. I started of saying "We never consider going to temple and coming to office as different ritual and we show the same kind of devotion at both the places". Then I went on to add what each God symbolizes,Lord Ganesha symbolizes virtuosity which means a person with good technical skills,Shiva symbolizes intensity a person with aggression.When we combine both together we get harmony which is symbolized by Lord Buddha.Then I continued the importance of team work and books we use to read proactively so it will be useful for the next project. With much difficulty I narrated this stuff as if I seriously meant,though people around were laughing hilariously I kept my cool.

Though the prize went to the teams which decorated their cubicles with poster,grafftis,balloons etc,we were the team who won the hearts of the crowd ;)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

~~A Woman who doesn't accept sorry~~

This happened to me recently,I was in a hurry and had to visit my friend's house to give something on the way .On reaching there I rushed past the gate and went to first floor to give the stuff,what supposed to be a minutes visit dragged for 5 minutes.Once I was done with the formalities I came down to pick my bike.

The land lady of the house was waiting like a tiger ready to pounce, she started shouting at full pitch that I left the gate open and went inside. I realized it was my mistake, I forgot to put the latch properly while going in,I apologised for my mistake but she was not in a mood to listen to that and she started screaming about the seriousness of my mistake - all the dogs in the locality likes her home very much and are waiting for the right opportunity to get inside.

I tried defending myself that its not happening in my house, which made her more angry and she continued her blastings. I felt the need for a time machine so that I could have reversed the blunder I have did. What else I can do, so again I apologised to her. No use she continued her bashings and told me that I would realise the pain only when I am in her position.

I just thought if I was in her position what would I have done
--> sealed the gate permanently so that no dogs can enter, guests can jump over the gates
-->for the people who can't jump over I would have placed a ladder or rope.
--> best solution would be to attach a spring to the gate which automatically closes the gate when one opens and goes past it.
but I would never waste my energy shouting at a stranger which is not going to solve the problem and wont stop yet another person to keep open the gate once again.
Maybe it was her time pass waiting for the person who forgets closing the gate and shouting at the poor fellows.

I realised that she was in no position to listen to me and no sorries is going to stop her but I had to leave the place soon. I could have ignored her and left the place but it would have spoiled my evening, to make things straight I literally fell on her feet and asked to forgive my sin I have commited.She calmed down a bit and I found it as the right opportunity to escape from the place.

Driving back it was like escaping from the lion's den , then I thought a little the two minutes I talked with the lady seemed as if I am in hell, I can't help but think of the fate of her husband. Though I can't emphatise myself in that lady's position I felt for her husband who has to face the music on day to day basis. God save him!

Friday, May 7, 2010

~~My new Makeover~~

Will write later why this happened :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

~My mum's birthday~~

Whole day dedicated to mum, just coming back home!

This is my birthday wish!

Mum, you're the best in town

Nah the Country, indeed, the World

Wishing you a Happy Birthday

To my Number 1 relation!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

~~watching a game with patience~~

I have watched cricket matches live,hockey or football too but what my uncle is upto these days is something different. He started following Anand Topalov game live everyday late evening.To tell more about him he prides himself saying that he has played a game with then grandmaster Bobby Fisher and drew with him, a major feat at that time. Eventhough his game has become rusty these days his interest in the game has never ceased down.

He comes to the system then and there to check the latest moves ,I never had the patience to follow the game of chess nor tried to master it. So these days I'm giving the laptop to him in the evening so that he can enjoy the full game!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

~~Movies mania~~

Its been quite sometime I had time to watch movies, so Saturday I reserved for seeing movies.Here are the movies are I saw

Movie based on robbery happened in the baker street during the year 1971.Till one no one has been tried for this case, the movie tells about the cover up which happened after the robbery,in which the royal family and people from Scotland yard were involved. It was an interesting movie to watch.

I really enjoyed this movie,it about an American guy sent to India to train the call center employee of his company,which currently outsourced the operations.Eventhough there few exagerrations and streotypes about Indian people one can watch for the humour regarding the cultural difficulties he's facing in India.Really a good time pass.

Ocean's 13 :
Having seen Ocean's 11 and 12 I missed out on Ocean's 13 ,this was a longtime pending. Eventhough it didn't build up the tempo as in Ocean's 11 we can watch it for George Clooney.