Sunday, May 9, 2010

~~A Woman who doesn't accept sorry~~

This happened to me recently,I was in a hurry and had to visit my friend's house to give something on the way .On reaching there I rushed past the gate and went to first floor to give the stuff,what supposed to be a minutes visit dragged for 5 minutes.Once I was done with the formalities I came down to pick my bike.

The land lady of the house was waiting like a tiger ready to pounce, she started shouting at full pitch that I left the gate open and went inside. I realized it was my mistake, I forgot to put the latch properly while going in,I apologised for my mistake but she was not in a mood to listen to that and she started screaming about the seriousness of my mistake - all the dogs in the locality likes her home very much and are waiting for the right opportunity to get inside.

I tried defending myself that its not happening in my house, which made her more angry and she continued her blastings. I felt the need for a time machine so that I could have reversed the blunder I have did. What else I can do, so again I apologised to her. No use she continued her bashings and told me that I would realise the pain only when I am in her position.

I just thought if I was in her position what would I have done
--> sealed the gate permanently so that no dogs can enter, guests can jump over the gates
-->for the people who can't jump over I would have placed a ladder or rope.
--> best solution would be to attach a spring to the gate which automatically closes the gate when one opens and goes past it.
but I would never waste my energy shouting at a stranger which is not going to solve the problem and wont stop yet another person to keep open the gate once again.
Maybe it was her time pass waiting for the person who forgets closing the gate and shouting at the poor fellows.

I realised that she was in no position to listen to me and no sorries is going to stop her but I had to leave the place soon. I could have ignored her and left the place but it would have spoiled my evening, to make things straight I literally fell on her feet and asked to forgive my sin I have commited.She calmed down a bit and I found it as the right opportunity to escape from the place.

Driving back it was like escaping from the lion's den , then I thought a little the two minutes I talked with the lady seemed as if I am in hell, I can't help but think of the fate of her husband. Though I can't emphatise myself in that lady's position I felt for her husband who has to face the music on day to day basis. God save him!


  1. That's funny!!! You did a good analyzing the incident on this blog. Also another point is, you entertained her for few minutes, probably few days( She may be telling this story to every person for next few days. ) -

  2. hahaha...Man, i'am laffing from "ready to pounde like tiger" through "jump over gate" till "literally fell on her feet" asking for pardon.

    Pooooooor Husband. Just imagine, how many times in a day he has to do that day-in-day-out!

  3. maybe she has no one to talk to or yell at....athaan nee nallaa maatikitte...
