Tuesday, May 11, 2010

~~Our cubicle Decoration~~

When I entered my office on Monday ,most of my team mates were decorating their cubicles. As usual I forgot completely about the contest so my wonderful team members. With my new getup and all my PL said "We asked you to decorate the cubicle not that you should change yourself and come to office".

Since it was not to late ,we(teammates) had a quick brainstorming session on what to decorate.One thing which is common and available at each one's desk is an idol of some deity. So we decided to collect those and within short span we got enough of it to keep it in our place. To add value to our decoration we added two technical books which my teammate used to get from library and to my knowledge never opened it.In the picture below you can see the picture of our decoration.

So we had judges from external team visiting our cubicle and I had to explain the basic theme of our decoration. Thiru my team mate briefed me what to tell about each idols and warned me not to laugh while I m describing the stuffs to the people. I started of saying "We never consider going to temple and coming to office as different ritual and we show the same kind of devotion at both the places". Then I went on to add what each God symbolizes,Lord Ganesha symbolizes virtuosity which means a person with good technical skills,Shiva symbolizes intensity a person with aggression.When we combine both together we get harmony which is symbolized by Lord Buddha.Then I continued the importance of team work and books we use to read proactively so it will be useful for the next project. With much difficulty I narrated this stuff as if I seriously meant,though people around were laughing hilariously I kept my cool.

Though the prize went to the teams which decorated their cubicles with poster,grafftis,balloons etc,we were the team who won the hearts of the crowd ;)


  1. hahaha...sri...i started laughing right from the part of your comparison of office to temple till end of post :)

  2. i liked your PL's comment more....
