Tuesday, May 11, 2010

~~Anand the world chess champion~~

After 11 rounds in Anand-Tolapov game with the score at 5.5 each ,it was all set for the 12th and final game, the decider. People say that its difficult to win a game with black piece but for Anand it doesn't matter, a person who can come back and snatch victories from jaws of defeat.

Though I didn't follow rest of other rounds, I sat with my uncle for this final one, it was a different experience not like watching cricket or football,we will be predicting what will be his next move and if he does the same we will give a pat on our backs. It was a thrilling game there was a time when Anand was short of a pawn ,then skillfully took the opponents queen for a rook and bishop. Finally Topalov had no where to go and conceed defeat!

Congrats to Anand once again, making India proud yet again!!!

PS: Link to the commentry of the match by Susan Polgar.

1 comment:

  1. hey...i just opened wave on this topic and now you've written the same.

    Vishy is the cooooolest guy!
