Tuesday, May 18, 2010

~~Day to relax~~

There are times when chain reaction will spoil your health,it happened me to me that I m right now relaxing at home and writing this blog. Monday evening I has piece of Plum cake,while eating half way itself I should have realized it was not tasting good but the after effects were felt only in the night.As i suffered from indigestion I couldn't sleep properly at night. So I woke up with a pretty bad headache in the morning the next day.

With the climatic change also playing its part when I entered office I could barely sit in the AC room.As the time went of I felt that my body temperature kept on increasing.Given the office is far off from my home I had no other option but to wait for the 4 o clock bus in the evening.By the time I returned home I went directly and crashed in the bed. By 8 visited the doctor and had some light dinner and went back to sleep again. After 12 hours sleep I m back to normal!

The weather is great and I have been advised a proper rest for the day.I m enjoying it relaxing all day long!

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