Monday, May 17, 2010

~~Memories:My first job~~

It is my last few weeks of my first job, a journey started more than five years ago when I first had the wonderful feeling of having the offer letter in my hand,working at four different places across South India starting from Trivandrum to Cochin to Bangalore to Cochin to Chennai,interacting with different kinds of people across the globe,learnt a lots of stuffs more than the coding skills for which I was hired.Looking back I do feel its an wonderful journey filled with sweet memories.

Lots of things happened during this time, getting my first salary,getting new mobiles,touring places on any holiday we get etc. One thing I will always cherish is the number of friends whom I have made during this course.

There are many things which I wanted to write but I never had time , I will try to pen down few experiences which I will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sri....reading your post today brought back so many goes on :)
