Thursday, May 27, 2010

~~My last project~~

I never knew working in my last project would bring a change in my career, I still remember the first day in the project in the beginning of Jan 2009 when I got a transfer from Cochin to Chennai,it was long journey from my home to office ,meeting new people,new team,learning new stuffs were all good memories. More than the time spent in the office I do have a feeling I have spent even more time during the bus journeys.

One should be lucky enough to have good project lead,wonderful team mates and an understanding client.Its always a pleasure to work under such an atmosphere.I had all the three in my final project..I have gained a lot of knowledge in this project more than the work I do ,it was the work done by clients around the globe which interested me.I was well contented working there but fate had other plans.It was during one of the weekend support days in office ,I was checking few of my client's webpages and I came across a course offered in Columbia university. The more I did research about the course the more I liked it.Finally I decided to just apply for it without thinking about the end result.

Now I'm in my last few days of my first job just waiting for few formalities to be done.

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