Friday, May 28, 2010

~~Response for final day mail~~

Its always a wonderful feeling to type the last day mails,one day all the people will wish and respond back. I took my time to type my last day mail a simple and short one. Here it goes

Dear Friends

This is my last day here. I cant believe its been more than four and half years I have started my career as fresher in the same company. I don't remember all the coding I have done, neither the documents I have prepared nor counted how many hours I have logged to work. But I always remember the wonderful moments interacting with you people,its you who have made my journey here memorable and wonderful.

I have decided to pursue my masters in public management.You can reach me at my personal ID... Do keep in touch.

with love

There were lots of responses from simple wishes to sentimental responses. The best one was from my team mate who took over from me when I left Cochin!here it goes..


What you said is exactly true. You will never be able to remember about any work stuff you did because you didn't do anything. :-)

But I am most certain that i am very much lucky to get you as a mentor. Otherwise I would have been a guy who worries about the code, docs and what people think of the work i am doin. But instead you turned me into a guy who don't care about the code, docs or work at all. I am caring about the big things in my life like family, friends and most importantly how to enjoy life :-)

I am not gonna like the company without Sriram. But I assure you that i will continue what you have started. Creating Chaos!!!!

Will miss you buddy and you can count on me to keep in touch. All the best for ur adventures in the city that never sleeps.


  1.'s so true...finally..only people matter!!! I luved your friend's words :))

  2. Sri... I love your friend's comment.

    It so true that nobody is going to look back after 20- 25 years and tell that I didn't work enough but we always tell we didn't enjoy or cherish that moment, so way to go Sri, It looks like he got very good mentor!!

  3. yea that was the mail I read again and again :)
