Sunday, December 27, 2009

~~ I am Back!!! ~~

Now in my Blog!!!

Starring KG and Sri

Seven Days
Six nights
Five places
(in)Four wheeler
(conquering)Three points
Two people
One Adventure

~~Experiences in Land of Mystique~~

Pictures for Preview

Watch out this space!!!

PS: I m back after an adventurous trip ,be it experiencing snow or climbing great heights or interacting with wonderful people it was a trip worth every penny! Will pen down down the experiences and preludes then and there.


  1. Taking my laziness into consideration ,hope you can wait for a Pongal release!

  2. hahaha :) Funtaztik intru. btb the total snaps from my cam is around 500+. Filtering in-process. All have come out beautifully...snowing, skating, red panda and including your new-found girl-friend

  3. thats awesome will come this weekend or before that!!!
    btb out of the many girl friends which one you are talking abt ;)
