Saturday, December 19, 2009

~~Going for vacation~~

Its time to end the year with a big note and cant find anything better,than to end it with an adventure trip.

Guess with whom I m going ?

yeah its KG and me(yea his surprise mate)!!!

Place where we are going???

borrowing words from KG's blog

trip within India and here “journey itself is the destination” – Mystique and Beautiful BUT the problem is freezing cold. And lots of preparation has to do and yes, even if you are citizen of India, you require permit to visit some of these places

Today myself and KG were discussing about the trip , final part of the conversation

KG: Take bath tomorrow we don't know when next

Me: hehe I have taken today itself ;)

KG:Take tomorrow too just in case

Me : ok will try :)

So week long break from my usual routine(includes blogging). Already have tons to blog once I return!

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