Sunday, April 24, 2011

~~Poem I liked~~

From my friend's facebook wall!

How many mountains I have to conquer before I can go home?

How many corners I have to turn before I can meet my other half?

How many failures I have to face up to before I can become that so called black swan?

How many woes I have to encounter before I can rest in peace?

Alas, life is uneasy if you feel uneasy,

While life is also easy if you feel easy!


  1. Sri...again cut n paste!! nice words though...
    btw...i'm sure U don't have to turn many corners before meeting a girl in NYC!! :)

  2. I thgt of writing abt policy but didnt want to disappoint my only commenter :))

  3. haha...thx for giving me a break :)

  4. Sri, I tought you are already meeting a lot of your other halves :))
