Monday, April 25, 2011

~~food cart or fast food~~

In NYC road side carts (kaiyendi bhavans) are famous , most of them will be open around the clock , so when ever we are roaming around late in night these shops come in handy. Yesterday my uncle and gang went to Rockefeller center after roaming around we thought of stopping for dinner. I took them to the usual cart but mami said its not hygienic to get food from there, she also told me we cant goto good dine ins as we are running short of time, eventually we went to KFC and I had to be contented eating bland potato wedges!

coming to NYC not eating cart is going to tirupathi not eating laddu :)


  1. Fully agree with you Sri on this one :) The taste of the Falafel we had from NYC Kaiyendi bhavan is still lingering in my mouth (:-P... Can you pick up one and mail it for me :)

  2. KFC!!! Yuck!!! What was Usha thinking??? Totally agree with you Sri. Would luv to visit NYC just for eating in kaiyendhi bhavan :)

  3. Sri, your comment is wrong. You can't expect everyone to have same taste like u n me. If the person says no, doesn't mean "he/she is not right".

    take them to the place where they like not what u like.

  4. I'm with KG, you could have picked up from kaiyendi bhavan and eaten with them @ KFC:)

  5. tooo bad Usha's brother missed out the totally yummmmy spicy chicken kabaab and had 2 settle for KFC

  6. everyone was ready for cart food its not they didnt like there but worried abt hygiene and in the end we had no other option apart from eating @ kfc which no one liked :)

    being in the city I know which place serves delicious food!

  7. I heard another version why you all ended up in KFC!!!! There is always 2 sides for a coin.

  8. Di...two sides to a coin theory...applies to everything :)

  9. Di first we stopped @ cart then moved to KFC, time was a constraint else I could have them taken to any other place !

  10. Shiel, sometimes there would be 'three sides to a coin too" ;)

  11. ..And this "third side" will be mysterious, not everyone can grasp it...

  12. Kaiyendhi to KFC to Koin.....very entertaining!

  13. yeah...either got to be smart...or have "third sight" to grasp "third side" ;)
