Saturday, April 23, 2011

~~risk mitigation:Samosa~~

 Today our classmates planned to have a picnic at central park. It was a potluck day and we were supposed to cook some ethinic dishes and take it for lunch. Since I dont know much about cooking I ordered samosas from my cook to be delivered. Everything went fine but today morning it started raining heavily and we had to cancel our trip due to bad weather. So today I had 40 samosas delivered by my cook. So had to think ways of disposing them

My room mate he will take 1/3rd since he having a party with his friends. I told my Pakistani friend my cook makes great samosas he took 1/2  of the remaining. Rest is for my uncle and gang who is visiting the city tomorrow,so kind of me to buy samosas for them prior to their arrival :)

1 comment:

  1. I would have relieved you of some if you were closer :)
