Saturday, January 8, 2011

~~iTouch Drama~~

Hey everyone. . .your favorite blogger is back: Swetha!!! ;)

Today I'm going to tell you the story of the crazy drama that led up to me getting an iPod Touch.

I don't usually ask for many expensive things. I think this was the first time I've ever asked for something that cost over $50. It started around last April or May. Almost all my friends (except one or two) had an iPod Touch (also known as an iTouch). Actually, pretty much 90% of the population at my school had one. At first, I didn't really mind. I thought, Oh it's just another one of those high-tech device thingys. But after listening to my friends talk about this new device, I thought it sounded pretty cool. By the time the school year ended, I really wanted one. 

You might be thinking that the only reason I wanted an iTouch was because everyone else had one. But that's NOT true. I had my own reasons:
1.) To listen to music! Since my mp3 player is still in the seat pocket in the Peru plane, I needed a device that played music.
2.) Email. The iTouch can access internet as long as there is Wi-fi, so it would be a quick way for me to check my email.
3.) Cool apps. My friends always talked about all sorts of cool and free apps and games that could be downloaded.

After I decided I wanted an iTouch, it was time to convince Mommy and Daddy. And by convince, I mean ARGUE. I think I spent most of the last 3 months arguing than doing anything else; arguing about why I needed an iTouch. But I think it was worth it, because in the end, I got what I wanted. Mommy thinks that I wasted my time arguing, because she was going to get it for me anyway, but I don't think any time was wasted. I think all my arguing added excitement and it kept building up right to the climax on Christmas morning when I got my present. But I wouldn't have argued that much if Mommy hadn't been so vague. If she'd told me straight out she was going to get it for me, I wouldn't have pestered her as much. But since I wasn't sure if I was getting it, I had to make sure she would get it for me, so I had to pester her. :))

Now that I have an iTouch, I'm happy. It's really cool and I'm not left out of the technology circle anymore.

Thank you Mommy and Daddy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Swetha
    you shd also tell the readers that you are using it as a leverage to get things done from Shreya :)

