Monday, January 10, 2011

~~Day in Disneyland~~

I took a mini vacation from the vacation  and went to Los Angeles for three days. Yesterday I got reunited with the 4S family in Disneyland.

One thing I hate is standing in the queue and this is the place where you spend most of the time waiting for your turn.Though the queue moves at a constant pace its more like a snake with lots of twist and turns.Finally we will end up having one ride which is as close to commiting suicide. I have been to the small amusement park in Coney island though its very small and old compared to the one here the wait time there is negligible though all the rides gives a similar physical experience.Only difference is the hifi setups which gives a different visual experience in disney.

Picture below from one of the rides I liked

To break up the the day on how we spent the time
80%-Standing in the queue
10%- eating
5%-in the rides.


  1. seriously, you compare a ride @ Coney Island at a Carnival, to Disney land ride? What a shame..

  2. you are right Sivaram...for Sri...compared to NYC, everything is TRASH!

  3. See we managed 10 rides with average time for each say 5 minutes ,lunch and shopping for an rest of the time we were walking or standing in queue :)

  4. Vacation in Vacation? you are seriously getting into inception territory ;)

  5. Definetely, not my Cup of Tea too ;)

  6. @ KG
    Yeah...your cup of tea is to shoot a 1000 pics of anything with 4 legs!

  7. Sri, you need to start enjoying standing in the queue too!!! People watching, Striking a conversation with a stranger etc..( This is more like enjoying your journey than destination as you posted).Once you start doing you will more fun on the rides!!!

  8. Sathi people watching I could do that anywhere adukaaga $75s kudutu disney land aa poganum :)
    all people spend more than 50% time waiting in queue,if I was a owner of the park I would try to keep them entertained during that time and even get money out of it!

  9. Sathi...guess I have to use this quote here.."don't cast pearls before a swine" :)
