Friday, January 7, 2011

~~Ant Attack~~

This is Shreya and it's now my turn to take over this blog.

Couple days ago, I opened my lunch box and AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! globs of ants came pouring out, so I got inspired to write a poem about our little ant friends that are beginning to take over our house.

Black, tiny, and such pests,
They always get their way,
It’s an insect we can’t get rid of,
But they’ll hopefully disappear one day.

Roaming in lunch boxes, crawling in sinks,
Going through food,
Hiding in clothes, and in the shower,
Those creatures know how to be rude.

Even though they kind of live with us,
We don’t like them greatly,
But they’ve learned how to eat our food,
Even 10 chilies!

The horrible creature I’m talking about,
 Surely isn’t an eggplant,
But those creepy crawly tiny things,
Is something we like to call an ant.


  1. it would have been great if you added pictures :)


  2. The ants are getting desperate and have gotten inside the camera too. Sorry no pictures :)

  3. heyyy chinky-minky,

    have you seen Antz movie?. This poem reminded me of that.

    Don't you think it might be the ploy of Swetha to put Ants in your lunch box to scare you of...?
