Thursday, January 6, 2011

~~Moral of the Day~~

As usual, this is Swetha. Chithappa left his laptop at home, and his blog account is signed in, so I'm controlling his blog for the next 3 days :))

I have a very important announcement to make today: SRIRAM CHITHAPPA IS BAD AT MATH!!!
Let me tell you the story. . . . .

Yesterday after school I was having a hard time with my math homework. Chithappa said he would help me, and he ended up doing almost all the math problems. Problem #10 asked to prove if a certain figure was a parallelogram. I wrote the answer as "no", because there wasn't enough information to prove it. But Chithappa told me it WAS a parallelogram! I totally and completely trusted his knowledge of math, so I changed the answer to "yes". He even gave me a long proof which proved that it was a parallelogram, and I spent at least 15 minutes writing it down.

Today I got to school and handed in my test. When I got it back, there was a big red circle on problem #10! The correct answer was "no"!!! It WASN'T a parallelogram! My original answer was correct! And now all because of Chithappa, I got one problem wrong!!! Everyone else in the class had gotten it right! And now instead of a 100, my grade was a 90...ALL BECAUSE OF HIM!

Right now, I have strong feelings of anger toward Chithappa. I can't wait until he gets home so I can yell at him in person :))

But there's a moral to every story so here is the moral of this story:

NEVER ask Sriram Chithappa to help you with math homework. NEVER EVER EVER!!!


  1. Sriram,இதுக்கு தான் ரொம்ப ஜாஸ்தி படிக்க கூடாதுன்னு சொல்லறது! In one way its good but for Swetha.... :)
    (As per Swetha's previous post
    "the more we study, the less we know!":)

  2. Sri, Maths சொல்லித் தரதை விட்டுட்டு maths ( கணக்கு ) பண்ணப் போ!

  3. Oh Swetha!

    Good that now you understood Sri.

  4. haha JP,

    he is getting Wrong answer on that too :)

  5. Hey Swetha

    Enjoyed your poem. Excellent!

    When Sri was doing high school I tried to assist him in his Maths homeworks.
    He used to reply " நானே தப்பா போட்டுக்கிறேன் அம்மா!"

    தப்பு தொடருது!

    - Mala

  6. @KG,

    You get something now about Sri, right?

  7. I got something not now, loooong time back itself

  8. @Sri

    "Are you smarter than a 5th Grader"?

  9. Swetha
    More than a Mathematician I m an economist,we wont accept no as an answer, hence I will prove what you ask for! Its a pity your teacher cant understand my proof!

    Also you should understand perfection leads to paralysis, you should be contented with what you got :)
    (from LA)
